Okla. Stat. tit. 66 § 53

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 53 - Taking by eminent domain - Commissioners - Appointment and proceedings - Right to construct road
A. If the owner of any real property or interest therein, over which any railroad corporation, incorporated under the laws of this state, may desire to locate its road, shall refuse to grant the right-of-way through and over his premises, the district judge of the county in which said real property may be situated shall, upon the application or petition of either party, and after ten (10) days' notice to the opposite party, direct the sheriff of said county to summon three disinterested freeholders, to be selected by said judge as commissioners, and who shall not be interested in a like question.
B. The condemnor shall give notice to a condemnee by personal service or by leaving a copy of the notice at the condemnee's place of residence with some member of his family over fifteen (15) years of age, or by publication in the case of a condemnee who resides out of this state or a resident of this state who has departed herefrom with intent to avoid service of notice, or whose whereabouts or identity the condemnor, or his attorney, upon diligent inquiry is unable to ascertain, or an unknown heir, successor or assign of one in whom some right, title or interest in the property concerned was possessed, by publishing such notice once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper authorized by law to publish legal notices in the county where the petition is filed, the ten-day period to begin with the first publication. A copy of such notice and a copy of the petition shall be mailed to such opposite party's last-known mailing address within five (5) days of the first publication thereof. The procedure for service by publication as authorized herein shall in all other respects be as provided by law for service by publication in civil actions, except summons need not first be issued.
C. The commissioners shall be sworn to perform their duties impartially and justly; and they shall inspect said real property and consider the injury which said owner may sustain by reason of the condemnation and they shall assess the just compensation to which said owner is entitled; and they shall forthwith make report in writing to the clerk of the court, setting forth the quantity, boundaries, and just compensation for the property taken, and amount of injury done to the property, either directly or indirectly, which they assess to the owner; which report must be filed and recorded by the clerk. A certified copy of the report may be transmitted to the county clerk of the county where the land lies, to be by him filed and recorded, without further acknowledgment or proof, in the manner and with like force and effect as is provided for the recording of deeds. And if said corporation shall, at any time before it enters upon said real property for the purpose of constructing said road, pay to said clerk for the use of said owner the sum so assessed and reported to him as aforesaid, it shall thereby be authorized to construct and maintain its road over and across said premises.
D. "Just compensation", as used in subsection C of this section, shall mean the value of the property taken, and in addition, any injury to any part of the property not taken. Any special and direct benefits to the part of the property not taken may be offset only against any injury to the property not taken. If only a part of a tract is taken, just compensation shall be ascertained by determining the difference between the fair market value of the whole tract immediately before the taking and the fair market value of that portion left remaining immediately after the taking.

Okla. Stat. tit. 66, § 53

R.L. 1910, § 1400; Amended by Laws 1971, SB 17, c. 33, §1, eff. 1/1/1972; Amended by Laws 1973, SB 27, c. 28, §1, eff. 1/1/1974; Amended by Laws 1991, SB 452, c. 175, §2, emerg. eff. 5/8/1991.