Okla. Stat. tit. 63 § 1-1918

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 1-1918 - Rights and responsibilities - Violations - Penalties
A. All principles enumerated in this section shall be posted in a conspicuous, easily accessible location in each facility. Each resident and personally appointed representative of the resident, if any, shall be verbally advised and provided a written copy of such principles prior to or upon admission to the facility. The facility shall ensure that its staff is familiar with and observes the rights and responsibilities enumerated in this section. The facility shall make available to each resident, upon reasonable request, a current written statement of such rights and responsibilities.
B. A statement of rights and responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Every resident's civil and religious liberties, including the right to independent personal decisions and knowledge of available choices, shall not be infringed upon and the facility shall encourage and assist in the exercise of these rights;
2. Every resident shall have the right to have private communications, including telephonic communications and visits and consultations with a physician or an attorney, and meetings of family and resident groups or any other person or persons of the resident's choice, and may send and promptly receive, unopened, the resident's personal mail;
a. Every resident shall have the right, without fear of reprisal or discrimination, to:
(1) present grievances with respect to treatment or care that is or fails to be furnished on behalf of the resident or others to:
(a) the facility's staff,
(b) the facility's administrator,
(c) the facility's attending physician,
(d) the resident's personal physician, if any,
(e) governmental officials, or
(f) any other person, and
(2) organize or to join with other residents or individuals within or outside of the facility to work for improvements in resident care.
b. The family of a resident shall have the right to meet in the facility with other residents' families.
c. Every resident shall have the right to prompt efforts by the facility to resolve grievances the resident may have, including those with respect to the behavior of other residents;
4. Every resident shall have the right to manage such resident's own financial affairs, unless the resident delegates the responsibility, in writing, to the facility. The resident shall have at least a quarterly accounting of any personal financial transactions undertaken in the resident's behalf by the facility during any period of time the resident has delegated such responsibilities to the facility;
5. Every resident shall have the right to receive adequate and appropriate medical care consistent with established and recognized medical practice standards within the community. Every resident, unless adjudged to be mentally incapacitated, shall be fully informed by the resident's attending physician of the resident's medical condition and advised in advance of proposed treatment or changes in treatment in terms and language that the resident can understand, unless medically contraindicated, and to participate in the planning of care and treatment or changes in care and treatment. Every resident shall have the right to refuse medication and treatment after being fully informed of and understanding the consequences of such actions unless adjudged to be mentally incapacitated;
6. Every resident shall receive respect and privacy in the medical care program of the resident. Case discussion, consultation, examination and treatment shall remain confidential and shall be conducted discreetly. Personal and medical records shall be confidential, and shall include such documentation or information so as to alert a health care provider or an emergency medical care facility of the existence of a directive to physicians or a living will;
7. Every resident shall have the right to reside and to receive services with reasonable accommodation of individual needs and preferences, except where the health or safety of the individual or other residents would be endangered;
a. Every resident shall be informed by the facility, at the time of admission, of the facility's policy regarding the provision of hospice services. The facility's policy shall:
(1) specify whether the facility provides hospice services, either directly or through contractual arrangements with other hospice providers,
(2) specify whether the facility permits hospice services to be provided in the facility by any other hospice services or only by hospice services contracted by the facility,
(3) provide that each resident shall receive a list of hospice services with which the facility contracts, and
(4) provide for complete disclosure to the resident of the facility's relationship with any hospice service that is the result of ownership or an ownership interest of five percent (5%) or more.
b. If the facility provides hospice services through contractual arrangements with hospice providers but does not contract with at least three entities providing hospice services within a fifty-mile radius of the facility, it shall, upon the request of a current facility resident, contract with additional hospice providers within a fifty-mile radius of the facility as necessary to provide the resident with a choice of three providers. This requirement shall cease to exist when the requesting resident is no longer living in the facility.
c. A facility shall, at the point that a resident requires hospice services, again inform the resident or the personally appointed representative of the resident, if any, verbally and in writing of the resident's right to hospice services pursuant to the facility's policy at the time of the resident's admission;
9. Every resident shall have the right to receive notice before the room or roommate of the resident in the facility is changed and if the resident has a telephone in his or her room, the resident must be informed of any charges to be incurred when moving;
10. Every resident shall have the right to retain and use personal clothing and possessions, unless medically contraindicated, and shall have the right to security in the storage and use of such clothing and possessions;
11. Every resident shall have the right to receive courteous and respectful care and treatment and a written statement of the services provided by the facility, including those required to be offered on an as-needed basis, and a statement of related charges, including any costs for services not covered under Medicare or Medicaid, or not covered by the facility's basic per diem rate;
12. Every resident shall be free from mental and physical abuse and neglect, as such terms are defined in Section 10-103 of Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes, corporal punishment, involuntary seclusion, and from any physical and chemical restraints imposed for purposes of discipline or convenience and not required to treat the resident's medical symptoms, except those restraints authorized in writing by a physician for a specified period of time or as are necessitated by an emergency where the restraint may only be applied by a physician, qualified licensed nurse or other personnel under the supervision of the physician who shall set forth in writing the circumstances requiring the use of restraint. Use of a chemical or physical restraint shall require the consultation of a physician within twenty-four (24) hours of such emergency;
13. Every resident shall receive a statement of the facility's regulations and an explanation of the resident's responsibility to obey all reasonable regulations of the facility and to respect the personal rights and private property of the other residents;
14. Every resident shall receive a statement that, should they be adjudicated incompetent and have no ability to be restored to legal capacity, the above rights and responsibilities shall be exercised by a court-appointed representative;
15. No resident shall be required to perform services for a facility;
16. Every resident shall have privacy for spousal visits. Every resident may share a room with the resident's spouse, if the spouse is residing in the same facility;
17. When a physician indicates it is appropriate, a facility shall immediately notify the resident's next of kin, or representative of the resident's death or when the resident's death appears to be imminent;
18. Every resident shall have the right to participate in social, religious, and community activities that do not interfere with the rights of other residents in the facility; and
19. Every resident shall have the right to examine, upon reasonable request, the results of the most recent survey of the facility conducted by the State Department of Health with respect to the facility and any plan of correction in effect with respect to the facility.
C. No licensed facility shall deny appropriate care on the basis of the resident's source of payment as defined in the regulations. Appropriate care shall not include duplication of services by a nursing home, hospice, or any combination of care providers.
D. Each facility shall prepare a written plan and provide appropriate staff training to implement each resident's rights as stated in this section.
E. Any person convicted of violating any provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), nor more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
F. In addition to the penalties provided in this section, an action may be brought against an individual by any resident who is injured by any violation of this section, or who shall suffer injury from any person whose threats would cause a violation of this section if carried through, may maintain an action to prevent, restrain or enjoin a violation or threatened violation. If a violation or threatened violation of this section shall be established in any action, the court shall enjoin and restrain or otherwise prohibit the violation or threatened violation and assess in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant the cost of the suit. If damages are alleged and proved in the action, the plaintiff shall be entitled to recover from the defendant the actual damages sustained by the plaintiff. If it is proved in an action that the defendant's conduct was willful or in reckless disregard of the rights provided by this section, punitive damages may be assessed.
G. Any employee of a state agency that inspects any nursing facility or special facility shall report any flagrant violations of this act or any other statute to the administrative head of the state agency, who shall immediately take whatever steps are necessary to correct the situation including, when appropriate, reporting the violation to the district attorney of the county in which the violation occurred.
H. Upon the death of a resident who has no sources of payment for funeral services, the facility shall immediately notify appropriate county officials who shall be responsible for funeral and burial procedures of the deceased in the same manner as with any indigent resident of the county.

Okla. Stat. tit. 63, § 1-1918

Amended by Laws 2018 , c. 238, s. 1, eff. 11/1/2018.
Added by Laws 1980, c. 241, § 18, eff. 10/1/1980. Amended by Laws 1981, c. 182, § 3; Amended by Laws 1982, c. 171, § 1; Amended by Laws 1991, c. 127, § 11, emerg. eff. 4/29/1991; Amended by Laws 1992, c. 173, § 1, emerg. eff. 5/5/1992; Amended by Laws 1996, c. 231, § 4, eff. 7/1/1996; Amended by Laws 2001 , SB 345, c. 393, §3, emerg. eff. 6/4/2001; Amended by Laws 2002 , SB 1657, c. 138, §1, eff. 11/1/2002; Amended by Laws 2003 , SB 629, c. 390, §8, emerg. eff. 7/1/2003.