Okla. Stat. tit. 60 § 301.3

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 301.3 - Definitions

As used in the Oklahoma Charitable Fiduciary Act:

1. "Charitable organization" means an incorporated or unincorporated organization:
a. domiciled in the State of Oklahoma,
b. recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as being organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, or other eleemosynary purposes,
c. which has been in existence for at least five (5) years if the organization administers charitable trusts which benefit private individuals,
d. having a governing board of which a majority of its members are persons who are qualified by education or experience to provide direction of the charitable organization in the administration of its charitable trusts,
e. having a governing board of which at least forty percent (40%) of its members are residents of the State of Oklahoma, provided that upon proper application the Attorney General may waive this requirement, and
f. which has filed the comprehensive annual audit required by Section 301.9 of this title;
2. "Charitable trust" means:
a. a trust which qualifies as a charitable remainder unitrust under the Internal Revenue Code,
b. a trust which qualifies as a charitable remainder annuity trust under the Internal Revenue Code,
c. a trust which is described as a charitable lead trust in the Internal Revenue Code,
d. a fund which qualifies as a pooled income fund under the Internal Revenue Code,
e. an endowment fund as that term is defined in the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act,
f. a trust providing for the welfare, maintenance, support, and education of minor issue of a decedent who has made a gift in the document creating the trust for the benefit of the minor issue to the charitable organization administering the trust or one or more of its affiliated charitable organizations at the decedent's death and the total of all gifts made to the charitable organization administering the trust or one or more of its affiliated charitable organizations at the decedent's death is as large as the largest distribution made to another person who is not a charitable organization, but in no event shall the total of all gifts made to the charitable organization administering the trust or one or more of its affiliated charitable organizations be less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the property which is available for distribution, or
g. any other irrevocable or revocable trust in which:
(1) one or more gifts of either trust income or principal, whether outright or in trust, are irrevocably made to or for the benefit of a charitable organization,
(2) if the irrevocable gift is of income or principal which is distributed before the termination of the trust, the total of all such irrevocable gifts of income or principal made to the charitable organization administering the trust or one or more of its affiliated charitable organizations is as large as the largest distribution to another beneficiary entitled to receive distributions of income or principal from the trust before the termination of the trust who is not the charitable organization administering the trust or an affiliated charitable organization, but in no event shall the total of all such irrevocable gifts of income or principal made to the charitable organization administering the trust or one or more of its affiliated charitable organizations before the termination of the trust be less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the income or principal available for distribution from the trust,
(3) if the irrevocable gift is of the remainder of the trust which is distributed upon the termination of the trust, the total of all irrevocable gifts of the remainder of the trust made to the charitable organization administering the trust or one or more of its affiliated charitable organizations is as large as the largest distribution made to another remainderman who is not the charitable organization administering the trust or an affiliated charitable organization, but in no event shall the total of all irrevocable gifts of the remainder of the trust made to the charitable organization administering the trust or one or more of its affiliated charitable organizations be less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the remainder of the trust which is available for distribution at the termination of the trust, and
(4) if distributions of income from the trust are made to beneficiaries who are not charitable organizations, such distributions are in an amount specified by the donor in the governing instrument, or, if not in an amount specified by the donor in the governing instrument, are in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the value of the principal of the trust determined annually, reduced by distributions of current income from the trust to charitable organizations, if any; and
3. "Affiliated charitable organization" means another charitable organization which directly or indirectly controls or is under direct or indirect common control with the charitable organization acting in a fiduciary capacity.

Okla. Stat. tit. 60, § 301.3

Added by Laws 1997, HB 1660, c. 99, § 4, emerg. eff. 4/15/1997; Amended by Laws 2007, HB 1596, c. 91, §11, eff. 11/1/2007.