Okla. Stat. tit. 52 § 113

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 113 - Appeals - Power of Supreme Court - Supersedeas - Bond

In the manner now provided by law for taking appeals to the Supreme Court from orders, rules or regulations of the Commission affecting transportation and transmission companies, appeals may be taken to the Supreme Court from any order, rule or regulation made, issued or promulgated by the Commission under the provisions of Sections 84-96, inclusive, of this title, (a) by the Attorney General, or (b) by the Conservation Attorney, or (c) by the Director of Conservation, on behalf of the state, or (d) by any person aggrieved by such order, rule, or regulation appealed from. On such appeal the Supreme Court shall have power to determine the validity, the reasonableness and justice of such order, rule, or regulation, and should the Court find from the record that the order, rule, or regulation appealed from is incorrect, unreasonable, unjust or insufficient in any particular it shall amend, modify, or supplement such order, rule or regulation so as to make the same correct, reasonable, just or sufficient, or shall substitute therefor such order, rule, or regulation as in the Court's opinion is warranted by the record, is reasonable and just, and will effect the purposes and intent of sections 84-135 of this title. On such appeals no order, rule or regulation shall be reversed and remanded to the Commission for a new trial thereon or for the taking of additional testimony unless the Court shall find that the evidence introduced before the Commission is insufficient to enable the Court to determine and make a proper order, rule, or regulation or that the party appealing did not have lawful notice of the hearing before the Commission, or that the Commission refused to receive competent evidence offered by the party appealing, which, if true, would leave the order, rule or regulation appealed from without substantial basis in fact. In like manner appeal may be taken to the Supreme Court from any order, judgment or decree issued, or final action taken by the Commission in any proceeding before it wherein it is sought to have any person adjudged (a) guilty of direct contempt, or (b) punished as for contempt for violation of any provision of this act or of any order, rule or regulation of the Commission made hereunder, or (c) in which is sought any other order of enforcement for the purpose of enforcing the orders, rules, and regulations of the Commission made hereunder, provided any such appeal may be taken and prosecuted only by (a) the Attorney General, or (b) the Conservation Attorney, or (c) the Director of Conservation, on behalf of the state, or (d) by any person against whom any such order or decree of contempt, or as for contempt, or other order of enforcement shall have been rendered, or (e) by any other person whose interests are affected by such order, judgment, decree or final action taken by the Commission in such proceeding and who is aggrieved thereby.

No order, rule, regulation, judgment or decree or final action of the Commission appealed from shall be superseded except by order of the Commission or the Supreme Court. No supersedeas shall be granted by either the Commission or the Supreme Court except upon condition that the appellant shall file in said appeal a bond with such surety as shall be approved by the Commission or the Supreme Court, granting such supersedeas. Said bond shall, (a) be in such amount, (b) contain such terms and conditions, and (c) be payable to the state for its benefit or for the benefit of such person or persons as shall be damaged by such appeal, if the order, rule, regulation, judgment, decree or action of the Commission appealed from shall be affirmed; all as shall be provided and required by the Commission or the Supreme Court granting such supersedeas.

All appeals under the provisions of this act must be taken by filing in the Supreme Court a petition in error within thirty (30) days from the date on which the order, rule, regulation, judgment, decree or final action of the Commission appealed from shall have been made, rendered or taken by the Commission; and except as otherwise provided in this act, the hearing and determination thereof by the Supreme Court, and the enforcement of its judgment and decree therein, and against the sureties upon the supersedeas bond therein, shall be governed by the provisions of law now in force applicable to appeals in proceedings for contempt and other proceedings for the violation of orders, rules and regulations of the Commission affecting transportation companies; and to the extent possible under existing laws the Supreme Court shall give precedence to all such appeals in the hearing and disposition thereof. The time limit prescribed herein for filing the petition in error may not be extended. The Supreme Court shall prescribe by rules the manner in which the record of the proceedings sought be reviewed shall be prepared and the time for its completion.

Okla. Stat. tit. 52, § 113

Added by Laws 1933, HB 481, c. 131, p. 293, § 30, emerg. eff. 4/10/1933; Amended by Laws 1971, HB 1044, c. 35, § 1, eff. 10/1/1971.