Okla. Stat. tit. 52 § 105

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 105 - Power to close wells - Orders regulating flow and production - Motion or petition for order - Temporary orders

The Commission shall have the power to order closed, and by the Proration Umpire, his assistant and deputies, to close any well or wells which have been overproduced or which are being overproduced in violation of this act and/or of the orders, rules and regulations of the Commission and/or to order that the production of oil from such well or wells shall be reduced, until such condition of overproduction of any such well or wells has been equalized so that the operator of such well or wells shall not be permitted to take therefrom a greater amount of oil than is permitted under the provisions of this act and/or the orders, rules and regulations of the Commission, made in pursuance of the provisions of this act; and may issue and enforce other orders to regulate the flow and production of oil and gas in such common source of supply for the purpose of preventing or stopping violations of its orders, rules or regulations, prescribing proration of production or ratable taking of oil in any common source of supply. Said orders of enforcement may be issued by the Commission upon its own motion, or upon written petition filed by (a) the Attorney General, or (b) the Proration Attorney, or (c) the Proration Umpire, in the name of the state; or by any person interested in the proration or ratable taking of oil from any common source of supply where any such violation of the orders, rules or regulations of the Commission is alleged to have occurred. Said motion or petition for such orders of enforcement shall be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and shall state the name of the violator or violators and the provision of the statute, or the order, rule or regulation which it is charged are being violated, and briefly in general language the act or acts, omission or omissions, done or being done by the alleged violator or violators which constitute the violation of statute or of the order, rule or regulation of the Commission complained of. Any such petition, other than motions by the Commission for such enforcement orders, shall be verified by the officer or person filing the same, but such verification may be made upon affiant's best information and belief. Whenever any such motion or petition for an order of enforcement shall charge that the violation or violations by the defendant therein of the provisions of this act or of orders, rules and regulations of the Commission complained of, is that defendant has produced or is producing oil from any well or wells in any common source of supply at a rate in excess of that allowed by the orders, rules and regulations of the Commission applicable thereto, the Commission, in its discretion, may, at the time of the filing of any such motion or petition, or at any time thereafter prior to its final hearing thereon and issuance of final or permanent order in such proceeding, make or issue a temporary order or orders, ordering and directing the defendant or defendants in any such proceeding to shut down and discontinue immediately, or to curtail the production of oil from any well or wells alleged to be involved in the violations complained of so as to comply with the orders, rules and regulations of the Commission; and said temporary order may further provide and require that if the defendant or defendants shall fail to shut down or curtail the production from any such well or wells so ordered in the manner required by such order of the Commission within twenty-four (24) hours from the time of service of said order, the Proration Umpire, his assistant or deputies shall thereupon go upon the premises upon which said well or wells are located, and shut down the production of oil from said well or wells until the hearing provided in said temporary order of the Commission shall have been held, and/or until the Commission shall otherwise order. The defendant or defendants against whom any such temporary order has been issued shall have the right to appear before the Commission at any time prior to the date for hearing in said proceeding and move that such temporary order be dissolved or modified, and show cause to the Commission why same should be done.

The Commission upon hearing any such motion, which shall be promptly heard, and may be had with or without notice thereof to the petitioner, may in its discretion dissolve or modify such temporary order or continue the same until final hearing in said cause shall have been held. Provided, however, that if upon final hearing before the Commission in such proceeding, or upon appeal to the Supreme Court, if an appeal from the decision of the Commission in such proceeding shall be taken, it shall be determined that any such temporary order was wrongfully issued by the Commission, the defendant or defendants shall be permitted to produce their well or wells, shut down, or the production from which was reduced by such temporary order of the Commission, so as to recover or make up the oil such defendant or defendants could have lawfully produced from such well or wells during the period such well or wells were shut down or the production thereof was reduced, if such temporary order of the Commission requiring such well or wells to be shut down, or the production therefrom to be reduced, had not been made by the Commission.

Okla. Stat. tit. 52, § 105

Added by Laws 1933, HB 481, c. 131, p. 288, § 22, emerg. eff. 4/10/1933.