Okla. Stat. tit. 18 § 381.41a

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 381.41a - Deposit accounts with minors - Authority to control - Loans to minors prohibited
A. Except as otherwise provided by this section, an association lawfully doing business in this state may enter into a deposit account with a minor as the sole and absolute owner of the account and may pay checks and withdrawals and otherwise act with respect to the account on the order of the minor. A payment or delivery of rights to a minor who holds a deposit account evidenced by a receipt or acquittance signed by the minor discharges the association to the extent of the payment made or rights delivered.
B. If the minor is the sole and absolute owner of the deposit account, the disabilities of minority are removed for the limited purposes of enabling:
1. The minor to enter into a depository contract with the association; and
2. The association to enforce the contract against the minor, including collection of overdrafts and account fees and submission of account history to account reporting agencies and credit reporting bureaus.
C. A parent or legal guardian of a minor may deny the minor's authority to control, transfer, draft on, or make withdrawals from the minor's deposit account by notifying the association in writing. On receipt of the notice by the association, the minor may not control, transfer, draft on, or make withdrawals from the account during minority except with the joinder of a parent or legal guardian of the minor.
D. If a minor with a deposit account dies, the receipt or acquittance of the minor's parent or legal guardian discharges the liability of the association to the extent of the receipt of acquittance, except that the aggregate discharges under this subsection may not exceed Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00).
E. Subsection A of this section does not authorize a loan to the minor by the bank, whether on pledge of the savings account of the minor or otherwise, or bind the minor to repay a loan made except as provided by subsection B of this section or other law, unless the depository institution has obtained the express consent and joinder of a parent or legal guardian of the minor. This subsection does not apply to an inadvertent extension of credit because of an overdraft from insufficient funds, returned checks or deposits, or other shortages in a depository account resulting from normal banking operations.

Okla. Stat. tit. 18, § 381.41a

Added by Laws 2000 , HB 2675, c. 81, § 39, eff. 11/1/2000.