Section 6-08-16 - Issuing check or draft without sufficient funds or credit - Notice - Time limitation - Financial liability - Penalty1. A person may not, for that person, as the agent or representative of another, or as an officer or member of an organization make, draw, utter, or deliver any check, draft, or order, or authorize an electronic funds transfer, for the payment of money upon a bank, banker, or depository, if at the time of the making, drawing, uttering, electronically authorizing, or delivery, or at the time of presentation for payment, if the presentation for payment is made within fourteen days after the original delivery thereof, there are not sufficient funds in or credit with the bank, banker, or depository to meet the check, draft, electronic funds transfer, or order in full upon its authorized presentation. Violation of this subsection is: a. An infraction if the amount of insufficient funds or credit is not more than one hundred dollars;b. A class B misdemeanor if the amount of insufficient funds or credit is more than one hundred dollars but not more than five hundred dollars, or if the individual has pled guilty or been found guilty of a violation of this section within three years of issuing an insufficient funds check, draft, or order;c. A class A misdemeanor if the amount of insufficient funds or credit is more than five hundred dollars but not more than one thousand dollars, or if the individual has pled guilty or been found guilty of two violations of this section within three years of issuing an insufficient funds check, draft, or order; ord. A class C felony if the amount of insufficient funds or credit is more than one thousand dollars, or an individual has pled guilty or been found guilty of three or more violations of this section within five years of willfully issuing an insufficient funds check, draft, or order.2. The grade of an offense under this section may be determined by individual or aggregate totals of insufficient funds checks, drafts, electronic funds transfer authorizations, or orders. a. In addition to the criminal penalty, the person is liable for collection fees or costs not in excess of forty dollars which are recoverable by the holder of the check, draft, electronic funds transfer authorization, or order or by the holder's agent or representative. If the holder of the check, draft, electronic funds transfer authorization, or order or the holder's agent or representative uses the automated clearinghouse network to collect the collection fees or costs, that person shall comply with the network's rules and requirements. If the state's attorney or holder determines the person identified as the issuer of the instrument did not make, draw, utter, or deliver the instrument in violation of this section but instead is the victim of fraud, that state's attorney or holder shall provide the holder or the holder's agent or representative written notice of the fraud and upon receipt of the notice that holder or the holder's agent or representative may not collect fees or costs under this subdivision.b. A collection agency shall reimburse the original holder of the check, draft, electronic funds transfer authorization, or order any additional charges assessed by the depository bank of the check, draft, electronic funds transfer authorization, or order if recovered by the collection agency.c. If the person does not pay the instrument in full and any collection fees or costs not in excess of forty dollars within ten days from receipt of the notice of dishonor provided for in subsection 4, the holder of the check, draft, electronic funds transfer authorization, or order or the holder's agent or representative is entitled to bring a civil action to recover a civil penalty. The civil penalty is payment to the holder of the instrument or the holder's agent or representative the lesser of two hundred dollars or three times the amount of each instrument.d. The court may order an individual convicted under this section to undergo an evaluation by a licensed gaming, alcohol, or drug addiction counselor.3. The word "credit" as used in this section means an arrangement or understanding with the bank, banker, or depository for the payment of the check, draft, electronic funds transfer authorization, or order. The making of a postdated check knowingly received as such, or of a check issued under an agreement with the payee that the check would not be presented for payment for a time specified, does not violate this section.4. A notice of dishonor may be mailed by the holder of the check upon dishonor or by the holder's agent or representative upon dishonor. Proof of mailing may be made by return receipt or by an affidavit of mailing signed by the individual making the mailing. The notice must be in substantially the following form: Notice of Dishonored Check
Date __________________________________________________
Name of Issuer __________________________________________
Street Address __________________________________________
City and State ___________________________________________
You are according to law notified that a check dated _____________, ___________, drawn on the ______________________ Bank of ______________ in the amount of ___________ has been returned unpaid with the notation the payment has been refused because of nonsufficient funds. Within ten days from the receipt of this notice, you must pay or tender to ____________________________
(Holder or agent or representative)
sufficient moneys to pay such instrument in full and any collection fees or costs not in excess of forty dollars.
The notice of dishonor also may contain a recital of the penal provisions of this section and the possibility of a civil action to recover any collection fees or costs or civil penalty authorized by this section.
5. An agent acting for the receiver of a check in violation of this section may present the check to the state's attorney for prosecution if the holder or the holder's agent or representative mailed a notice under subsection 4. During the first one hundred twenty days after the drawer received notice under this subsection the state's attorney shall accept the instrument presented by the agent. The criminal complaint for the offense of issuing a check, draft, electronic funds transfer authorization, or order without sufficient funds under this section must be executed within not more than one hundred twenty days after the dishonor by the drawee of said instrument for nonsufficient funds. The failure to execute a complaint within said time bars the criminal charge under this section.Amended by S.L. 2013 , ch. 104( SB 2251 ), § 1, eff. 8/1/2013.Amended by S.L. 2013 , ch. 79( HB 1243 ), § 1, eff. 8/1/2013.Amended by S.L. 2011 , ch. 77( SB 2158 ), § 1, eff. 8/1/2011.Amended by S.L. 2011 , ch. 106( HB 1080 ), § 1, eff. 8/1/2011.