N.D. Cent. Code § 45-22-04

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 45-22-04 - [See Note] Limited liability partnership - Name
1. The name of a limited liability partnership:
a. Must be expressed in letters or characters in the English language as those letters or characters appear in the American standard code for information interchange (ASCII) table.
b. Must contain the words "limited liability partnership" or the abbreviation "L.L.P." or the abbreviation "LLP", either of which abbreviations may be used interchangeably for all purposes authorized by this chapter, including real estate matters, contracts, and filings with the secretary of state.
c. May not contain the word "corporation", "company", "incorporated", "limited liability company", "limited partnership", "limited liability limited partnership", or any abbreviation of these words.
d. May not contain a word or phrase that indicates or that implies that the limited liability partnership:
(1) Is formed for a purpose other than:
(a) A lawful purpose for which a limited liability partnership may be formed under this chapter; or
(b) For a purpose stated in its registration; or
(2) May not be formed under this chapter.
e. May not be the same as or deceptively similar to:
(1) The name, whether foreign and authorized to do business in this state or domestic, unless there is filed with the registration a record that complies with subsection 3, of:
(a) Another limited liability partnership;
(b) A corporation;
(c) A limited liability company;
(d) A limited partnership; or
(e) A limited liability limited partnership;
(2) A name, the right to which is at the time of registration reserved in the manner provided in section 10-19.1-14, 10-32.1-12, 10-33-11, 45-10.2-11, 45-13-04.2, or 45-22-05;
(3) A fictitious name registered in the manner provided in chapter 45-11;
(4) A trade name registered in the manner provided in chapter 47-25; or
(5) A trademark or service mark registered in the manner provided in chapter 47-22.
f. Need not be filed as provided in chapter 45-11 except if transacting business under a name other than the name as registered under this chapter.
2. The secretary of state shall determine whether a name is deceptively similar to another name for purposes of this chapter.
3. If the secretary of state determines that a limited liability partnership name is deceptively similar to another name for purposes of this chapter, the limited liability partnership name may not be used unless there is filed with the registration:
a. The written consent of the holder of the rights to the name to which the proposed name has been determined to be deceptively similar; or
b. A certified copy of a judgment of a court in this state establishing the earlier right of the applicant to the use of the name in this state.
4. This section and section 45-22-05 do not:
a. Abrogate or limit:
(1) The law of unfair competition or unfair practices;
(2) Chapter 47-25;
(3) The laws of the United States with respect to the right to acquire and protect copyrights, trade names, trademarks, service names, and service marks; or
(4) Any other rights to the exclusive use of names or symbols.
b. Derogate the common law or principles of equity.
5. A limited liability partnership that is the surviving organization in a merger with one or more organizations, or that acquires by sale, lease, or other disposition to or exchange with a domestic organization all or substantially all of the assets of another organization including its name, may have the same name, subject to the requirements of subsection 1, as that used in this state by any of the other organizations, if the other organization whose name is sought:
a. Is incorporated, organized, formed, or registered under the laws of this state;
b. Is authorized to transact business or conduct activities in this state;
c. Holds a reserved name in the manner provided in section 10-19.1-14, 10-32.1-12, 10-33-11, 45-10.2-11, 45-13-04.2, or 45-22-05;
d. Holds a fictitious name registered in the manner provided in chapter 45-11;
e. Holds a trade name registered in the manner provided in chapter 47-25; or
f. Holds a trademark or service mark registered in the manner provided in chapter 47-22.
6. The use of a name by a limited liability partnership in violation of this section does not affect or vitiate the limited liability partnership's status as a limited liability partnership. However, a court of this state may, upon application of the state or of an interested or affected person, enjoin the limited liability partnership from doing business under a name assumed in violation of this section, even though the limited liability partnership's registration may have been filed with the secretary of state.
7. A limited liability partnership whose registration has expired or whose registration has been forfeited as provided in section 45-22-21.1 may reacquire the right to use that name by refiling a registration as provided in section 45-22-03 unless the name has been adopted for use or reserved by another person, in which case the filing will be rejected unless the filing is accompanied by a written consent or judgment pursuant to subsection 3. A limited liability partnership that cannot reacquire the use of its limited liability partnership name shall adopt a new limited liability partnership name that complies with this section:
a. By refiling a registration as provided in section 45-22-03;
b. By amending its registration as provided in section 45-22-03; or
c. By reinstating the limited liability partnership pursuant to section 45-22-21.1, unless the name has been adopted for use or reserved by another person, in which case the filing will be rejected unless the filing is accompanied by a written consent or judgment as provided in subsection 3.
8. With respect to foreign limited liability partnerships:
a. A foreign limited liability partnership may register under any name that would be available to a domestic limited liability partnership, regardless of whether the name is the same under which the foreign limited liability partnership is authorized in the jurisdiction of original registration.
b. A fictitious name certificate must be filed as provided in chapter 45-11 only if registering under a name other than the name as authorized in the jurisdiction of original registration.
9. A limited liability partnership that files its registration with an effective date later than the date of filing as provided in subsection 9 of section 45-22-03 shall maintain the right to the name until the effective date.

N.D.C.C. § 45-22-04

Amended by S.L. 2015, ch. 87 (HB 1136),§ 35, eff. 7/1/2015.
Amended by S.L. 2015, ch. 87 (HB 1136),§ 34, eff. 7/1/2015.
Amended by S.L. 2011 , ch. 87( SB 2174 ), § 70, eff. 7/1/2011.
This section is set out more than once due to postponed, multiple, or conflicting amendments.