N.D. Cent. Code § 34-13-03

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 34-13-03 - License application - Schedule of fees - License issuance and revocation

Annually, every applicant for a license shall file with the commissioner a written application stating the name and address of the applicant, the street and number of the building in which the employment agency is to be maintained, the name of the person who is to have the general management of the office, the name under which the business of the office is to be carried on, whether or not the applicant is pecuniarily interested in any other business of a like nature, and if so, where. Such application must also state whether the applicant is the only person pecuniarily interested in the business to be carried on under the license and must be signed by the applicant and sworn to before a notary public. If the applicant is a corporation, the application must state the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the corporation and must be signed and sworn to by the president and treasurer thereof. If the applicant is a limited liability company, the application must state the names and addresses of the managers and governors of the limited liability company and must be signed and sworn to by the president and treasurer thereof. If the applicant is a partnership, the application must also state the names and addresses of all partners therein and must be signed and sworn to by the managing partner or partners. The application must also state whether or not the applicant is, at the time of making application, or has at any previous time been, engaged or interested in, or employed by anyone engaged in, the business of conducting an employment agency, either in this state or any other, and if so, when and where. The application must also give as reference the names and addresses of at least three persons of reputed business or professional integrity, located within the state. Every applicant for a license to engage in the business of an employment agent shall, at the time of making application for said license, file with the commissioner a schedule of the fees or charges to be collected by such employment agent for any services rendered, together with all rules and regulations that may in any way affect the fees charged or to be charged for any service. Such fees and such rules or regulations may thereafter be changed by filing an amended or supplemental schedule showing such charges, with the commissioner. It is unlawful for any employment agent to charge, demand, collect, or receive a greater compensation for any service performed by the agent than is specified in such schedule filed with the commissioner.

The commissioner may issue a license to an employment agent and refuse to issue a license if, after due investigation, the commissioner finds that the character of the applicant makes the applicant unfit to be an employment agent, or when the premises for conducting the business of an employment agent are found to be unfit. The commissioner may revoke a license upon due notice to the holder of the license and upon due cause. Failure to comply with the duties, terms, conditions, or provisions of this chapter, or any lawful orders of the commissioner is due cause to revoke a license.

N.D.C.C. § 34-13-03