a. Authority to Enter into Sale Agreements. A qualified municipality may sell to the corporation, and the corporation may purchase, for cash or other consideration and in one or more installments, all or a portion of the tax liens pursuant to the terms of one or more sale agreements. Any sale agreement shall provide, among other matters, the purchase price payable by the corporation to a qualified municipality for the tax liens, which amount may be more or less than the face amount of the tax liens purchased by the corporation, and may include the residual interests, if any. The sale agreement may require a qualified municipality to repurchase a tax lien, or to substitute another tax lien of equivalent value, under conditions to be specified in the sale agreement. The sale agreement may provide that a qualified municipality shall be obligated to sell to the corporation subsequent tax liens encumbering the property encumbered by the tax liens originally sold and remaining unpaid on such terms as the corporation deems desirable. Any sale shall be conducted pursuant to one or more sale agreements that may contain such terms and conditions deemed appropriate by a qualified municipality to carry out and effectuate the purposes of this section, including, without limitation, covenants binding the qualified municipality in favor of the corporation and its assignees, including, without limitation, the owners of its securities and benefitted parties; a provision authorizing inclusion of the State's pledge and agreement, as set forth in section 10 of this act, in any agreement with owners of the securities or any benefitted parties; and covenants with respect to the application and use of the proceeds of the sale of the qualified municipality's tax liens to preserve the tax exemption of the interest on any securities, if issued as tax exempt. A qualified municipality in any sale agreement may agree to, and the corporation may provide for, the assignment of the corporation's right, title and interest under the sale agreement for the benefit and security of the owners of securities and benefitted parties. The residual interest shall be uncertificated. Notwithstanding that the corporation is hereby constituted an instrumentality of the State, all of the residual interests arising upon the transfer of a qualified municipality's tax liens to the corporation shall be the property of and vest in such qualified municipality and all of the economic avails and benefits of such residual interests, including, but not limited to, the income attributable to and accruing with respect to such interests from time to time, shall accrue to and inure to the benefit of such qualified municipality.