N.J. Stat. § 40:69A-207

Current through L. 2023, c. 349.
Section 40:69A-207 - Offices abolished on effective date of plan; administrative code
a. At 12 o'clock noon on the effective date of an optional plan adopted pursuant to this act, all offices then existing in such municipality shall be abolished and the terms of all elected and appointed officers shall immediately cease and determine; provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to abolish the office or terminate the term of office of any member of the board of education, board of fire commissioners of a township fire district, trustees of the free public library, commissioners of a local housing authority, members of a municipal shade tree commission, board of managers of a municipal hospital, municipal magistrates or of any official or employee now protected by any tenure of office law, or of any policeman, fireman, teacher, principal or school superintendent whether or not protected by a tenure of office law. If the municipality is operating under the provisions of Title 11 of the Revised Statutes (Civil Service) at the time of the adoption of an optional plan under this act, nothing herein contained shall affect the tenure of office of any person holding any position or office coming within the provisions of said Title 11 as it applies to said officers and employees. If the municipal clerk has, prior to the effective date of the optional plan, acquired a protected tenure of office pursuant to law, he shall become the first municipal clerk under the optional plan.
b. Provision for officers and for the organization and administration of the municipal government under the optional plan may be made by an interim resolution pending the adoption of an administrative code.
c. Within 90 days after the date of organization of the first municipal council elected under the optional plan, the municipal governing body shall adopt, by ordinance, an administrative code organizing the administration of the municipal government, setting forth the duties, responsibilities and powers of all municipal officers, departments and agencies, and establishing the manner of performance thereof.

The code shall restate the major provisions of the municipal charter and the applicable sections of general law, and provide such additional details as are necessary to present a complete guide describing: the municipal offices; how municipal officers are selected; how municipal departments, divisions, boards, commissions, and agencies are organized; lines of supervisory responsibility and accountability; and procedures to be followed to carry out the functions and activities of the municipal government.

d. The administrative code shall take effect 30 days after its adoption. Thereupon, all municipal offices, departments, divisions, boards, commissions, and agencies shall assume the form, perform the duties and responsibilities, and exercise the powers granted under the administrative code in the manner prescribed therein.
e. The administrative code may be amended or supplemented from time to time by ordinance, subject to the provisions of law.

N.J.S. § 40:69A-207

L.1950, c.210, s.17-58; amended 1954, c.69, s.6; 1967, c.127; 1971, c.268, s.2; 1977, c.392; 1991, c.430, s.6.