N.J. Stat. § 32:8-17

Current through L. 2024, c. 40.
Section 32:8-17 - New Delaware River bridge authorized

The Governor is authorized to enter into a supplemental compact or agreement on behalf of the State of New Jersey with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, supplementing the compact or agreement entitled "Agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey creating the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission as a body corporate and politic and defining its powers and duties," which was executed on behalf of the State of New Jersey by its Governor on December 18, 1934, and on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by its Governor on December 19, 1934, and which compact or agreement was thereafter amended and supplemented by compacts or agreements executed by the respective States, such supplemental compact or agreement to be in substantially the following form:

"Supplemental agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey supplementing the compact or agreement entitled "Agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey creating the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission as a body corporate and politic and defining its powers and duties,' as heretofore amended and supplemented, to establish the purposes for which the commission may fix, charge and collect tolls, rates, rents and other charges for the use of commission facilities and properties.

"The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey do solemnly covenant and agree, each with the other, as follows:

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of the compact or agreement hereby supplemented, or any provision of law, state or federal, to the contrary, as soon as the existing outstanding bonded indebtedness of the commission shall be refunded, defeased, retired or otherwise satisfied and thereafter, the commission may fix, charge and collect tolls, rates, rents and other charges for the use of any commission facility or property and in addition to any purpose now or heretofore or hereafter authorized for which the revenues from such tolls, rates, rents or other charges may be applied, the commission is authorized to apply or expend any such revenue for the management, operation, maintenance, betterment, reconstruction or replacement (a) of the existing non-toll bridges, formerly toll or otherwise, over the Delaware river between the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania heretofore acquired by the commission pursuant to the provisions of the act of the State of New Jersey approved April 1, 1912 (Chapter 297), and all supplements and amendments thereto, and the act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved May 8, 1919 (Pamphlet Laws 148), and all supplements and amendments thereto, and (b) of all other bridges within the commission's jurisdiction and controL. Betterment shall include but not be limited to parking areas for public transportation services and all facilities appurtenant to approved projects.
(2) The commission may borrow money or otherwise incur indebtedness and provide from time to time for the issuance of its bonds or other obligations for one or more of the purposes authorized in this supplemental agreement. The commission is authorized to pledge its tolls, rates, rents and other revenues, or any part thereof, as security for the repayment, with interest, of any moneys borrowed by it or advanced to it for any of its authorized purposes, and as security for the satisfaction of any other obligation assumed by it in connection with such loans or advances.
(3) The authority of the commission to fix, charge and collect fees, rentals, tolls or any other charges on the bridges within its jurisdiction, including the bridge at the Delaware Water Gap, is confirmed.
(4) The covenants of the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as set forth in Article VI of the compact to which this is a supplemental agreement shall be fully applicable to any bonds or other obligations issued or undertaken by the commission. Notwithstanding Article VI or any other provision of the commission's compact, the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania may construct a bridge across the Delaware river in the vicinity of Easton, Pennsylvania and Phillipsburg, New Jersey within 10 miles of the existing toll bridge at that location. All the rest and remainder of the commission's compact, as amended or supplemented, shall be in full force and effect except to the extent it is inconsistent with this supplemental agreement.
B. The commission is authorized to fix, charge or collect fees, rentals, tolls or any other charges on the proposed bridge to be constructed in the vicinity of Easton, Pennsylvania and Phillipsburg, New Jersey in the same manner and to the same extent that it can do so for other toll bridges under its jurisdiction and control; provided that the United States Government has approved the bridge to be a part of the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways with 90% of the cost of construction to be contributed by the United States Government and provided further that the nonfederal share of such bridge project is contributed by the commission. The commission is further authorized in the same manner and to the same extent that it can do so for all other toll bridges under its jurisdiction and control to fix, charge and collect fees, rentals, tolls or any other charges on any other bridge within its jurisdiction and control, if such bridge has been constructed in part with federal funds.
C. The consent of Congress to this compact shall constitute federal approval of the powers herein vested in the commission and shall also constitute authority to the United States Department of Transportation or any successor agency and the intent of Congress to grant any federal approvals required hereunder to permit the commission to fix, charge and collect fees, rentals, tolls or any other charges on the bridges within its jurisdiction to the extent provided in subsections A. and B. and this subsection and the commission's compact.
D. Notwithstanding the above provisions, the commission shall not fix, charge or collect fees, rentals, tolls or any other charges on any of the various bridges formerly toll or otherwise over the Delaware river between the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania heretofore acquired by the commission pursuant to the provisions of the act of the State of New Jersey approved April 1, 1912 (Chapter 297), and all supplements and amendments thereto, and the act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved May 8, 1919 (Pamphlet Laws 148), and all supplements and amendments thereto.
E. At any time that the commission shall be free of all outstanding indebtedness, the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania may, by the enactment of substantially similar acts, require the elimination of all tolls, rates, rents and other charges on all bridges within the commission's jurisdiction and control and, thereafter, all costs and charges in connection with the construction, management, operation, maintenance and betterment of bridges within the jurisdiction and control of the commission shall be the financial responsibility of the states as provided by law."

N.J.S. § 32:8-17

L.1985, c.342, s.1, eff. 10/21/1985, operative 10/21/1985.