Section 41.506 - Physicians, physician assistants and nurses who render certain emergency obstetrical care; licensed medical facilities in which certain emergency obstetrical care is rendered1. Any person licensed under the provisions of chapter 630, 632 or 633 of NRS and any person who holds an equivalent license issued by another state who renders emergency obstetrical care or assistance to a pregnant woman during labor or the delivery of the child is not liable for any civil damages as a result of any act or omission by that person in rendering that care or assistance if: (a) The care or assistance is rendered in good faith and in a manner not amounting to gross negligence or reckless, willful or wanton conduct;(b) The person has not previously provided prenatal or obstetrical care to the woman; and(c) The damages are reasonably related to or primarily caused by a lack of prenatal care received by the woman.2. A licensed medical facility in which such care or assistance is rendered is not liable for any civil damages as a result of any act or omission by the person in rendering that care or assistance if that person is not liable for any civil damages pursuant to subsection 1 and the actions of the medical facility relating to the rendering of that care or assistance do not amount to gross negligence or reckless, willful or wanton conduct.