Mont. Code § 76-25-206

Current through the 2023 Regular Session
Section 76-25-206 - Housing
(1) A local governing body shall identify and analyze existing and projected housing needs for the projected population of the jurisdiction and provide regulations that allow for the rehabilitation, improvement, or development of the number of housing units needed, as identified in the land use plan and future land use map, including:
(a) a quantification of the jurisdiction's existing and projected needed housing types, including location, age, condition, and occupancy required to accommodate existing and estimated population projections;
(b) an inventory of sites, including zoned, unzoned, vacant, underutilized, and potential redevelopment sites, available to meet the jurisdiction's needed housing types;
(c) an analysis of any constraints to housing development, such as zoning, development standards, and infrastructure needs and capacity, and the identification of market-based incentives that may affect or encourage the development of needed housing types; and
(d) a detailed description of what actions the jurisdiction may take to accommodate the projected needed housing types identified in subsection (1)(a).
(2) The housing section of the land use plan and future land use map may incorporate by reference any information or policies identified in other housing needs assessments adopted by the governing body.
(3) If, after performing the analysis required in subsection (1), the local government determines that the total needed housing types may not be met due to lack of resources, development sites, infrastructure capacity, or other documented constraints, the local government shall establish the minimum number of housing units that may be rehabilitated, improved, or developed within the jurisdiction over the 20-year planning period and the actions the local government may take to remove constraints to the development of those units over that period.
(4) Progress toward the construction of the housing units identified as needed to meet projected housing needs during the 20-year planning period of the land use plan must be documented at each fifth year review of the land use plan as required in 76-25-202.
(5) The amount of detail provided in the analysis beyond the minimum criteria established in this section is at the discretion of the local governing body.

§ 76-25-206, MCA

Added by Laws 2023, Ch. 500,Sec. 10, eff. 5/17/2023, and applicable to local governments that currently meet the population thresholds in [section 5].