Mont. Code § 7-12-4225

Current through the 2023 Regular Session
Section 7-12-4225 - Covenants to use revolving fund - duration of revolving fund obligation - factors to be considered
(1) In connection with the issuance of special improvement district bonds or sidewalk, curb, and alley approach warrants, the city or town council may undertake and agree:
(a) to make loans or advances from the revolving fund to the district fund involved in amounts sufficient to make good any deficiency in the bond and interest accounts, to the extent that funds are available;
(b) to provide funds for the revolving fund pursuant to the provisions of 7-12-4222(1) by annually making a tax levy or, in lieu of the tax levy, a loan from the general fund, subject to the maximum limitations imposed by 7-12-4222(1); and
(c) to retain in the revolving fund a balance of up to 10% of the then-outstanding special improvement district bonds and warrants secured by the revolving fund.
(2) The undertakings and agreements referred to in subsection (1) are binding upon the city or town with respect to the special improvement district bonds or sidewalk, curb, and alley approach warrants until the earlier of:
(a) the date on which all bonds or warrants of the issue and interest on the bonds or warrants have been fully paid or discharged in a bankruptcy case in which the special improvement district is the debtor; or
(b) the date that is the later of:
(i) the final stated maturity date of the bonds or warrants; or
(ii) the date on which all special assessments levied in the district have been either paid or discharged.
(3) The discharge of delinquent special assessments levied with respect to a particular lot or parcel is considered to have occurred upon:
(a) the issuance of a tax deed, as provided in 15-18-214, or, if the county is the recipient of the tax deed, upon the sale, lease, or other disposition of the property by the county as provided in Title 7, chapter 8, part 22, 23, 24, or 25, or other applicable law;
(b) the discharge of the trust pursuant to 15-17-318 or upon the sale or lease of the property under 15-17-319 if the property in the district has been assigned to the city or town under Title 15, chapter 17, part 3; or
(c) payment in full of the allowed secured claim for the special assessments in a bankruptcy case in which the owner of the lot or parcel is the debtor.
(4) Prior to entering into the undertakings and agreements set forth in subsection (1), the city or town council shall take into consideration the following factors, including other circumstances that the city or town council may determine to be material to the public interest of securing the bonds or warrants by the revolving fund:
(a) the estimated market value of the lots, parcels, or tracts included in the district at the time that the district is created in comparison to the estimated market value of the lots, parcels, or tracts after the improvements are made;
(b) the diversity of ownership of property in the district;
(c) the amount of the special assessments proposed to be levied against each lot, parcel, or tract in the district in comparison to the estimated market value of the lot, parcel, or tract after the improvements are made;
(d) the amount of any outstanding special assessments against the property in the district;
(e) the amount of delinquencies in the payment of outstanding special assessments or property taxes levied against property in the district;
(f) the public benefit of the improvements proposed to be financed; and
(g) in the case of a district created to make improvements in a newly platted subdivision:
(i) the prior subdivision development experience and credit rating or credit history of the person developing the land; and
(ii) any contribution by property owners to the costs of the improvements or any security given by property owners to secure payment of special assessments levied in the district.
(5) Any findings or determinations with respect to the factors contained in subsection (4) made by the city or town council in a resolution authorizing the undertakings and agreements or the issuance of bonds or warrants are conclusive evidence that the city or town council has taken into consideration the factors required by subsection (4).
(6) In lieu of the undertakings and agreements set forth in subsection (1), the city or town council may determine in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds or warrants that the revolving fund does not secure the bonds or warrants and that the bonds or warrants are payable solely from the district fund created for the bonds or warrants and do not have a claim against the revolving fund.

§ 7-12-4225, MCA

En. Sec. 3, Ch. 24, L. 1929; re-en. Sec. 5277.3, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 179, L. 1945; amd. Sec. 17, Ch. 158, L. 1971; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 255, L. 1971; R.C.M. 1947, 11-2271(2); amd. Sec. 9, Ch. 422, L. 1983; amd. Sec. 12, Ch. 229, L. 1995; amd. Sec. 7, Ch. 349, L. 2009.