Mont. Code § 50-53-212

Current through the 2023 Regular Session
Section 50-53-212 - Administrative enforcement - notice - department hearing
(1) A license may not be denied, suspended, or canceled or corrective action may not be ordered by the department unless the department delivers to the license applicant or licensee a written notice of violation that contains a written statement of the facts constituting the violation and a citation to the statute or rule of the department alleged to have been violated. Further administrative enforcement action may not be taken by the department pursuant to the notice if within 10 days after receipt of the notice, the license applicant or licensee complies with the provisions of 50-53-213.
(2) The department may combine with any notice issued under subsection (1) an order for the suspension or cancellation of a license or for corrective action as the department finds necessary to remedy the violation evidenced in the notice. The order becomes final 10 days after service unless within that time the license applicant or licensee requests a hearing pursuant to subsection (4) or submits a corrective action plan in accordance with 50-53-213.
(3) The department may combine with any notice or order issued under subsection (1) or (2) an order for the license applicant or licensee to appear before the department within a time specified by the department and show cause why the department should not deny, suspend, or cancel the license or otherwise order compliance with part 1, this part, and the rules of the department.
(4) A hearing request by a license applicant or licensee must be made in writing to the department and must specify the mistake in the facts or law relied on by the department. A hearing held pursuant to this section must be held in accordance with the contested case procedure of the Montana Administrative Procedure Act. Following a hearing, the department may issue an appropriate order. Service of notice or an order mailed by the department is complete upon mailing.

§ 50-53-212, MCA

En. Sec. 12, Ch. 708, L. 1991; amd. Sec. 225, Ch. 42, L. 1997.