Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 262.215 - State fair, definitions
- Section 262.217 - State fair commission, created - commissioners, appointment, expenses, vacancies
- Section 262.219 - Director to be appointed by commission, salary - staff may be employed, limits
- Section 262.220 - State fair - establishment - control - condemnation proceedings
- Section 262.230 - Fair held, when - how - reverter clause
- Section 262.240 - Printing and distribution of catalogues
- Section 262.250 - Entry fees - classification
- Section 262.255 - Exhibiting livestock, all qualified 4-H and FFA members permitted to participate - rules and fees permitted
- Section 262.260 - Admission fees, revenues from sale of privileges and pari-mutuel wagering - disposition - state fair fee fund created - gifts and grants authorized, transfer to general revenue prohibited - purpose of fund - investment
- Section 262.261 - State fair escrow fund created, use of moneys
- Section 262.262 - State fair trust fund for prizes - disbursement - investment
- Section 262.265 - Distribution of pari-mutuel wagering pool if state agency is the licensee
- Section 262.270 - Director, powers - gambling prohibited, exception for pari-mutuel wagering - serving intoxicating liquor prohibited, exception - cooperation from other agencies, reimbursement
- Section 262.280 - County exhibits