Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 9:2791 - Liability of owner or occupant of property not used primarily for commercial recreational purposes
- Section 9:2791.1 - Limitation of liability for commercial motor vehicles
- Section 9:2792 - Limitation of liability of member, director, trustee or officer of any public, charitable or nonprofit hospital, institution or organization
- Section 9:2792.1 - Limitation of liability of director, officer, or trustee of nonprofit organization
- Section 9:2792.1.1 - Limitation of liability of trustee and officer of special charitable trust
- Section 9:2792.2 - Limitation of liability of board member of downtown development district
- Section 9:2792.3 - Limitation of liability of director, officer, trustee, or volunteer worker for incorporated and unincorporated nonprofit organizations; civic or historical purpose
- Section 9:2792.4 - Limitation of liability of members of boards, commissions, or authorities of political subdivisions
- Section 9:2792.5 - Limitation of liability of officer; federal or state credit union
- Section 9:2792.6 - Limitation of liability of a trustee of a self-insurance trust fund
- Section 9:2792.7 - Limitation of liability of director, officer, or trustee of certain homeowners associations
- Section 9:2792.8 - Limitation of liability; employees of certain nonprofit organizations supervising or coordinating community services
- Section 9:2792.9 - Limitation of liability of volunteers of area agencies on aging and voluntary councils on the aging; definitions; exceptions
- Section 9:2792.10 - Limitation of action; pedestrian blocking roadway
- Section 9:2793 - Gratuitous service at scene of emergency; limitation on liability
- Section 9:2793.1 - Immunity from liability for public entities; fire department; law enforcement agency; public emergencies; F.B.I. agents
- Section 9:2793.2 - Gratuitous emergency services rendered by American Red Cross volunteers; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2793.3 - Gratuitous services rendered by the United Way; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2793.4 - Gratuitous services rendered by Southern Mutual Help Association; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2793.5 - Gratuitous services rendered by PRC Compassion, Inc.; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2793.6 - Gratuitous services rendered by Catholic charities; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2793.7 - Gratuitous services rendered by the Louisiana Girl Scout Councils; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2793.8 - Services rendered by National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster and other volunteers; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2793.9 - Gratuitous services rendered by religious organizations; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2793.10 - Immunity from liability for homeland security and emergency preparedness, response and recovery activities
- Section 9:2793.11 - Limitation of liability for peace officers performing their duties; definitions; exceptions
- Section 9:2793.12 - Limitation of liability; concealed handgun permit; definitions; exceptions
- Section 9:2794 - Physicians, dentists, optometrists, and chiropractic physicians; malpractice; burden of proof; jury charge; physician witness expert qualification
- Section 9:2795 - Limitation of liability of landowner of property used for recreational purposes; property owned by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries; parks owned by public entities
- Section 9:2795.1 - Limitation of liability of farm animal activity sponsor or professional; exceptions; required warning
- Section 9:2795.2 - Limitation of liability for the Audubon Commission; the city of New Orleans; other entities operating facilities of the Audubon Commission; exceptions; required warning
- Section 9:2795.3 - Limitation of liability of equine activity sponsor; exceptions; required warning
- Section 9:2795.4 - Limitation of liability; motorized off-road vehicle activities; definitions; exceptions; required warning
- Section 9:2795.5 - Limitation of liability; agritourism activities; definitions; exceptions; required warning
- Section 9:2795.6 - Limitation of liability; nonprofit youth organizations; legislative findings; definitions; duties and liability of providers and participants
- Section 9:2795.7 - Community service litter abatement, beautification, and maintenance program; establishment; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2796 - Limitation of liability for loss connected with Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day, and other parades and festivities; parades associated with fairs and festivals
- Section 9:2796.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 9:2796.2 - Limitation of liability for loss connected with festivals, programs, or activities sponsored by an animal sanctuary
- Section 9:2796.3 - Liability for loss related to bonfire presentations on the Mississippi River levee
- Section 9:2797 - Users of blood or tissue; a medical service
- Section 9:2797.1 - Certified, nonprofit poison control centers; legislative findings; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2798 - Limitation of liability of a volunteer athletic coach, manager, team volunteer health care provider, or official; definitions
- Section 9:2798.1 - Policymaking or discretionary acts or omissions of public entities or their officers or employees
- Section 9:2798.2 - Limitation of liability for school volunteers
- Section 9:2798.3 - Limitation of liability for school systems
- Section 9:2798.4 - Immunity from liability; injuries sustained by persons driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs
- Section 9:2798.5 - Limitation of liability; Louisiana Emergency Response Network
- Section 9:2799 - Limitation of liability for damages from donated food
- Section 9:2799.1 - Civil liability for theft of goods from merchant
- Section 9:2799.2 - Institutional vandalism; civil damages
- Section 9:2799.3 - Limitation of liability of restaurants, schools, churches, civic organizations, and certain food donors for damages from donated food
- Section 9:2799.4 - Liability for unauthorized release of certain animals, birds, or aquatic species
- Section 9:2799.5 - Limitation of liability for gratuitous service by a health care provider in a community health care clinic or community pharmacy
- Section 9:2799.6 - Limitation of liability for damages from long-term consumption of food and nonalcoholic beverages
- Section 9:2800 - Limitation of liability for public bodies
- Section 9:2800.1 - Limitation of liability for loss connected with sale, serving, or furnishing of alcoholic beverages
- Section 9:2800.2 - Psychologist, psychiatrist, marriage and family therapist, licensed professional counselor, and social worker; limitation of liability
- Section 9:2800.3 - Limitation of liability of persons designing, supervising or performing hazardous waste mitigation, abatement, or cleanup and asbestos removal, abatement, or cleanup services
- Section 9:2800.4 - Limitation of liability of owner of farm or forest land; owner of oil, gas, or mineral property
- Section 9:2800.5 - Immunity from liability for owners of block safe-houses
- Section 9:2800.6 - Burden of proof in claims against merchants
- Section 9:2800.7 - [Repealed]
- Section 9:2800.8 - Property adjudicated to local governmental subdivision; liability of owner of record
- Section 9:2800.9 - Action against a person for abuse of a minor
- Section 9:2800.10 - Immunity from liability for injuries sustained while committing a felony offense
- Section 9:2800.11 - Limitation of liability; municipal or parish airport authority; parked aircraft
- Section 9:2800.12 - Liability for termination of a pregnancy
- Section 9:2800.13 - Violation of transportation statute or regulation; determination of causation; evidence
- Section 9:2800.14 - Limitation of liability for damages to oyster leases
- Section 9:2800.15 - Limitation of liability for commercial and marine contractors, architects, and engineers, and persons licensed by the Louisiana Manufactured Housing Commission; mold and mold damage
- Section 9:2800.16 - Limitation of liability; Louisiana Public Defender Board members
- Section 9:2800.17 - Liability for the diminution in the value of a damaged vehicle
- Section 9:2800.18 - Limitation of liability for volunteer medical transportation pilots
- Section 9:2800.19 - Limitation of liability for use of force in defense of certain crimes
- Section 9:2800.20 - Limitation of liability for a nonprofit health care quality improvement corporation; health care providers; health plans; reporting and disclosure of information
- Section 9:2800.21 - Limitation of liability for curators and undercurators; acts of interdicts
- Section 9:2800.22 - Limitation of liability for use of school facilities
- Section 9:2800.23 - Limitation of liability for damages caused by persons with developmental disabilities
- Section 9:2800.24 - Limitation of liability for granting voluntary right of passage to enclosed cemetery
- Section 9:2800.25 - Limitation of liability for COVID-19
- Section 9:2800.26 - Nonprofit limitation of liability; disclosure of certain information to prospective employer
- Section 9:2800.27 - Recoverable past medical expenses; collateral sources; limitations; evidence
- Section 9:2800.28 - Limitation of liability for veterinary professionals who report animal cruelty
- Section 9:2800.29 - Liability for publishers and distributors of material harmful to minors