P.R. Laws tit. 23, § 1103

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§ 1103. Gasoline Industry Interagency Committee; creation and responsibilities

The Gasoline Industry Interagency Committee is hereby created, which shall be composed of the Director of the Energy Office, who will be its Chairman, the Secretaries of the Departments of Justice, Commerce and Consumer Affairs, the Chairmen of the Planning Board and the Public Service Commission and the Administrator of the Regulations and Permits Administration.

Said Committee shall have the following powers and responsibilities:

(a) Coordinate the Government’s activities and efforts to establish, promote and maintain competition in the gasoline industry, and make sure that these take place under the guidelines and purposes established by this Legislature.

(b) Periodically evaluate the success of the Government’s measures to establish and maintain free competition in the marketing of gasoline and make recommendations to this Legislature as they are submitted by the Honorable Governor of Puerto Rico. In addition to this, the Governor will forward a report on the status of the gasoline industry to this Legislature, on or before the following dates:

(1) July 1, 1979

(2) July 1, 1980

(3) July 1, 1981.

History —Mar. 21, 1978, No. 3, p. 15, § 3; July 12, 1979, No. 105, p. 248, § 1.