P.R. Laws tit. 26, § 8061

§ 8061. Relationship between traditional liability insurance and compulsory liability insurance

(a) Those motor vehicle owners who have traditional liability insurance in effect at the time of the [issuance] or renewal of the motor vehicle license with a coverage similar to or greater than that of the compulsory liability insurance may continue to use said traditional insurance to comply with the insurance requirements established in this chapter.

Private insurers, agents, or brokers shall issue a certification authorized by the Joint Underwriting Association to persons or clients insured by them as evidence of compliance with the compulsory liability insurance in those cases in which the owner of a motor vehicle has traditional liability insurance or a coverage similar to or greater than that of the compulsory liability insurance. This certification of compliance shall have the effect of exempting said vehicle from the payment of the item corresponding to the compulsory liability insurance when paying the motor vehicle license fee.

(b) The Commissioner is hereby empowered to establish, through regulations, those measures that may be necessary so that motor vehicle owners who comply with the insurance requirements of subsection (a) of this section may present attesting proof of the [sic] said compliance, so that a fair and efficient coordination between the compulsory liability insurance and traditional liability insurance can be attained. The Commissioner shall also ensure that the private insurer who underwrites the traditional liability insurance acknowledges in the premiums charged for said insurance the amount of the payment received in compliance of the requirements stipulated in § 8053(a) of this title.


—Dec. 27, 1995, No. 253, § 12; Aug. 20, 1997, No. 94, § 7; Dec. 29, 2009, No. 201, § 9.