P.R. Laws tit. 26, § 8056

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 8056. Premiums

(a) The initial uniform premium of the compulsory liability insurance shall be ninety-nine dollars ($99) for each private passenger vehicle and one hundred forty-eight dollars ($148) for each commercial vehicle. The premium shall not be increased until three (3) years have elapsed in the case of private insurers, and two (2) years in the case of the Joint Underwriting Association, both terms counted as of the date in which the compulsory liability insurance is exigible.

The Commissioner may fix a premium other than that established herein for the compulsory liability insurance of those vehicles to which the Department of Transportation and Public Works has issued transitory or provisional licenses.

(b) The uniform premium of the compulsory liability insurance applicable to private passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles, as well as that of motor vehicles insured with the Joint Underwriting Association, may be revised pursuant to the applicable provisions of §§ 1201–1240 of this title.

(c) Any private insurer may submit for the approval of the Commissioner a variation of a uniform percentage to reduce the uniform compulsory liability insurance premium corresponding to private passenger vehicles or commercial vehicles, pursuant to the provisions of § 1214 of this title.

(d) The Joint Underwriting Association, taking as [a] basis the frequency and severity of the losses of its insured, may submit for approval by the Commissioner those rules and rate plans that contain norms for the application of surcharges to the corresponding uniform premium of private passenger or commercial vehicles insured thereby, subject to the provisions of §§ 1201–1240 of this title. Such rules and rate plans shall provide for the prompt elimination or modification of said surcharges, upon the approval of the Commissioner, when the premium and loss experience thus justifies it.

(e) Any modification, alteration, change, reduction, or increase in the uniform compulsory liability insurance premium shall be made pursuant to the applicable provisions of Chapter 12 of the Code.

(f) The uniform premium of the compulsory liability insurance shall not be subject to the payment of premium taxes established in § 702 of this title.

History —Dec. 27, 1995, No. 253, § 7; Aug. 20, 1997, No. 94, § 5; Dec. 29, 2009, No. 201, § 5.