P.R. Laws tit. 26, § 1127

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1127. Limitation of cancellation by insurer

(1) The insurer may not cancel an insurance contract after it has been in force for a period of sixty (60) days or more, except for default in premium payment and for the reasons specified in the policy. Provided, That the insured may request the cancellation of the insurance contract according to the terms specified in the policy.

Upon petition of the insured, the insurer shall specify to him the grounds for the cancellation. The Commissioner shall through regulation determine the insurances to which this subsection shall apply, and the procedure to be followed for their cancellation.

(2) In addition to such right and procedure for cancellation of an insurance contract by either the insurer or the insured as may be expressed in the policy, the Commissioner may order the immediate cancellation of any policy procured or effectuated through violation of this title, except if the policy is by its terms not cancellable by the insurer and the insured did not knowingly participate in any such violation.

History —Ins. Code § 11.270; May 10, 1976, No. 32, p. 84, § 11.