P.R. Laws tit. 29, § 156d

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§ 156d. Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity—Exceptions and exclusions

By virtue of constitutional provisions regarding the separation of church and State, namely, the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America and Section 3 of Article II of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the provisions of §§ 156–156f of this title shall not apply to churches or religious congregations, organizations, societies, institutions, as well as any entity, for-profit or non-profit corporations, faith-based and community organizations, educational institutions, academic curriculums, service rendering or associations linked to a church or religious congregation, whose creed, dogma, or occupational requirements are clearly inconsistent with the interests upheld by §§ 156–156f of this title.

None of the provisions of §§ 156–156f of this title constitutes a prohibition, limitation, or grounds to deny the hiring by the Commonwealth, its agencies, instrumentalities, public corporations, and municipalities, of faith-based and community organizations, educational institutions, entities or associations linked to a church or religious congregations, whose constitution, origin, or purpose are based on a religious belief, creed, or dogma. Provided, that the aforementioned entities shall not refuse to render services to third parties based on the discriminatory grounds defined in §§ 156–156f of this title in any activity that is funded or defrayed, in whole or in part, with federal or Commonwealth funds.

History —May 29, 2013, No. 22, § 19.