P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 1234

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§ 1234. Printed forms for certificates; accurate execution

The registrar shall furnish to any person upon request printed forms for the preparation of certificates; he shall examine with the utmost care all birth, marriage and death certificates presented to him for registration in order to ascertain that the same have been filled out pursuant to the provisions of this part and the instructions of the Secretary of Health, and if any certificate should appear incomplete or with manifest errors, he shall call the attention of the person who has presented it to the omissions or errors appearing thereon, and he shall cause said errors or omissions to be corrected in due form before accepting it for registration; and, in cases of death, he may withhold the burial permit or the removal-and-burial permit until such errors or omissions shall have been satisfactorily corrected. Certificates shall be written out in a clear hand with indelible ink, and no certificate shall be considered complete unless all the spaces thereof have been filled out or a satisfactory explanation given in the spaces for which the required information cannot be obtained. If the death certificate has been duly filled out, the registrar shall issue the burial permit or the removal-and-burial permit to the person in charge of the burial or removal of the corpse; Provided, That when the death has been caused by some transmissible disease, the burial permit or the removal-and-burial permit shall conform to the provisions of the Health regulations in force. If the birth certificate has been duly filled out, the registrar shall deliver to the deponent, immediately after the registration, or shall send him by mail within ten (10) days thereafter, a certificate of the registration of the birth, upon the form prescribed by the Secretary of Health, and said certificate of registration shall be accepted at all times by the respective authorities as evidence of the child’s age for admission to public school or for securing employment permits. On the transcript of the certificate of registration kept by him, the registrar shall note the fact and date of issuance of said certificate of registration.

History —Apr. 22, 1931, No. 24, p. 228, § 34; Apr. 28, 1954, No. 24, p. 152.