P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 1109

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1109. Burial permit; removal-and-burial permit; embalming certificate

If the interment or any other disposition to be made of the corpse is to take place within the Island of Puerto Rico, the burial permit or removal-and-burial permit shall be limited to a declaration by the registrar to the effect that a death certificate prepared and filled out in accordance with the requirements of this part having been delivered to him, a permit is granted to inter or remove and inter the corpse, stating the name, age, sex, cause of death, and any other details that may be necessary, on a printed form to be furnished by the Secretary of Health.

If, on the contrary, the corpse is to be removed outside the Island of Puerto Rico, the person, agency or organization in charge of its transportation, shall present to the health officer of the town, besides the removal permit herein stated, an embalming certificate, upon the receipt of which documents, the health officer shall examine the corpse so as to verify that the proper regulations on removal of corpses abroad have been complied with, in which case he shall authorize the removal thereof, upon the printed forms that for such purpose the Secretary of Health shall furnish.

History —Apr. 22, 1931, No. 24, p. 228, § 15; Apr. 28, 1948, No. 51, p. 100, § 1; Apr. 28, 1954, No. 24, p. 152.