P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 1107

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1107. Death certificate where crime suspected

In case of death due to an unknown cause, when there is suspicion or indication of a crime, the prosecuting attorney or other officer authorized to investigate the death, shall issue the death certificate required for the issuance of a burial permit, setting forth in said certificate the name of the disease causing death or, if death was due to an external cause, the arm, instrument or object causing it and the manner in which death was produced, as well as the certainty or probability of said death having been caused by an accident, suicide or homicide, and, in any case, he shall furnish such information as may be requested or required by the Secretary of Health for the purposes of properly classifying said death in accordance with the investigation made and the experts’ reports.

History —Apr. 22, 1931, No. 24, p. 228, § 13, eff. 90 days after Apr. 22, 1931.