P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 342a

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 342a. Definitions

The following phrases and terms shall have the meanings set forth hereinafter:

(1) Administration. — The Puerto Rico Medical Services Administration created by this chapter.

(2) Secretary. — The Secretary of Health of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

(3) Department. — The Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

(4) Consumer institutions. — Institutions located on lands of the Administration, which use the services thereof and/or render basic medical and hospital care services, training, education and research in the field of health.

(5) Central services. — All those auxiliary medical services, commercial type services and administrative services rendered by the Administration and purchased by consumer institutions.

(6) Corporation. — The Puerto Rico Medical Center Services Corporation was created by Act No. 196 of June 26, 1962, which was repealed by Act June 22, 1978, No. 66.

(7) Board of the Puerto Rico Medical Center Participating Entities. — The Board constituted by the chief executives of the entities that operate one (1) or more institutions in the Medical Center and by two (2) consumers of health services and the Chairperson of the Administration and Medical Policy Committee.

(8) Administration and Medical Policy Committee. — The body constituted by the medical directors and leading administrators of consumer institutions and which shall be the forum to identify, attend to and solve the problems and circumstances of said institutions in their interaction with the Administration, and among themselves, for the purpose of achieving the most effective inter-institutional coordination and cooperation.

(9) Participating entities. — The bodies or instrumentalities that operate one (1) or more institutions and services facilities in the Medical Center.

(10) Medical Center. — The system of medical-hospital, teaching and research institutions located at Barrio Monacillos in the Municipality of San Juan, as specified in § 342e of this title.

History —June 22, 1978, No. 66, p. 203, § 2; July 9, 1985, No. 99, p. 321, § 3.