P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 2917

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§ 2917. Distribution of resources

The Puerto Rico National Guard Institutional Trust shall distribute the resources that are established in § 2913 of this title in the following manner:

(a) Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) shall be deposited in the Educational Fund from the initial resources provided in § 2913(a) of this title, and ten percent (10%) of the future resources which the Trust shall have available, as provided in § 2913(b)(1) of this title and the proceeds from the investment of funds and reserves deposited in the Educational Fund of the Trust.

(b) A minimum amount of two million, five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) shall be covered into the Annuities, Life and Funeral Insurance Fund from the initial resources provided in § 2913(a) of this title; fifty-two percent (52%) of the future resources available to the Trust according to § 2913(b)(1) of this title, one hundred percent (100%) of the resources provided in § 2913(b)(3) of this title; and the proceeds from the investment of the funds and reserves covered into the Annuities, Life and Funeral Insurance Fund of the Puerto Rico National Guard Institutional Trust.

(c) Thirty-eight percent (38%) of the future resources available to the National Guard Trust provided by § 2913(b)(1) of this title, one hundred percent (100%) of the resources provided by clauses (2) and (5) of subsection (b) § 2913 of this title, the proceeds from the investment of the funds and reserves deposited in the Fund for Capital Improvements, Operation, Maintenance and Other General Uses of the Puerto Rico National Guard and the Trust to be created by this chapter, shall be covered into the Fund to complement the income received by the Puerto Rico National Guard for constructions, improvements, administration and for its operating expenses and other uses.

History —July 23, 1991, No. 23, § 9.