P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 2812

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§ 2812. Maximum limits of punishments

For the purpose of achieving uniformity in the punishments, the Commander-in-Chief shall promulgate by regulation a table of maximum punishments, subject to the limitations established by this Code, which punishments shall be applied as follows: The maximum punishment prescribed for a determined offense shall be imposed only in cases of an offense accompanied by aggravating circumstances or in those cases where the record of previous convictions shows that the convict is a habitual recidivist. In common cases, a lesser punishment shall suffice, taking into consideration the circumstances of the case and the service record of the convict.

History —June 23, 1969, No. 62, p. 117, § 1411; May 19, 1976, No. 44, p. 117, § 18.