P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 2073

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§ 2073. Federal recognition, transfer or disbandment of units

The Commander-in-Chief may request from the corresponding authority of the United States of America the federal recognition for units of the Military Forces of Puerto Rico so as to include them as part of the National Guard of the United States of America. Likewise, if the Commander-in-Chief considers that a company, battery or other unit of the Military Forces of Puerto Rico has failed to comply with the requirements of the law in matters of uniform, equipment, discipline, loyalty or efficiency he may disband said unit. In like manner, he may transfer the seat, military branch or service assigned to any unit when in his judgment the best interests of the Commonwealth so advise or justify; Provided, That all action taken with reference to a unit of the National Guard of Puerto Rico which has federal recognition shall be carried out subject to the restrictions that may be imposed by the civil defense laws promulgated by the Congress of the United States or the regulations adopted to such effects.

History —June 23, 1969, No. 62, p. 117, § 222, eff. 90 days after June 23, 1969.