P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 2066

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§ 2066. Separation of officers from service

(a) The Adjutant General may, acting in behalf of the Commander-in-Chief, investigate through a court of investigation designated to such effect, the moral conduct, capacity and general competence that any officer of the Military Forces of Puerto Rico may have for the service or office he is holding. The said court of investigation shall be composed of three officers from the Military Forces of Puerto Rico with a superior rank, insofar as possible, than the officer under the investigation in question. Once the investigation is made through the holding of hearings and upon the receipt of proof as the court of investigation may deem advisable and necessary, if the findings of said investigation should be unfavorable to said officer and such findings are approved by the Commander-in-Chief, the said officer may, among other administrative sanctions of imposing nature, be discharged from the unit to which he belonged and from the Military Forces of Puerto Rico.

(b) The position of officer in the active service of the Military Forces of Puerto Rico shall become vacant for any of the following reasons:

(1) The transfer of said officer to the inactive National Guard roll;

(2) the resignation of the officer;

(3) physical disability;

(4) by recommendation of a court of inquiry;

(5) by sentence of a military court;

(6) by action of the Adjutant General, [or]

(7) by action of the Commander-in-Chief of the Military Forces of Puerto Rico.

History —June 23, 1969, No. 62, p. 117, § 215; July 26, 1979, No. 186, p. 508.