P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 457q

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 457q. Vicarious liability

Those security agencies that have been conferred licenses to purchase, possess, dispose of and maintain a weapons depot and an ammunition dump are by civil law vicariously liable for the damages that may be caused by a weapon they own, regardless of whether they have been caused by a person not authorized by the agency to carry the weapon or whether the person has acted intentionally or negligently, except:

(a) When the agency proves that the damages were caused in the legitimate exercise of the functions of its agent or that said damages were provoked by the victim, or

(b) when the firearm that caused the damages has been stolen from the weapons depot or ammunition dump of the agency and the latter proves that it had taken all security measures possible for the custody of its weapons, and notified the Puerto Rico Police of the theft and complied with all the provisions of this chapter.

Any agreement and contractual provision that contravenes the provisions of this section shall be null and void and be deemed as not having been executed.

History —Sept. 11, 2000, No. 404, added as § 4.12 on Jan. 10, 2002, No. 27, § 17.