P.R. Laws tit. 25, § 457d

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 457d. Temporary target shooting permits

(a) Any sportsperson domiciled outside of Puerto Rico who wishes to come to Puerto Rico to practice or compete in target shooting sports events shall apply for a temporary target shooting permit. The temporary target shooting permits shall be applied for before the weapons and ammunition enter the jurisdiction of Puerto Rico, through a form to such effects, which shall contain a recent photograph of each shooter, his/her essential data, passport number should he/she be a foreign citizen, the number of the weapons license or its equivalent issued by the authority with jurisdiction to issue said licenses in the place of residence of the applicant and if said document in said place of residence, the number of weapons he/she brings, their type, caliber, brand and serial number, if any.

(b) In all cases that involve only one invited shooter, the procedure shall be the same as the above. In all cases it shall be necessary to include with the documents provided, the date of arrival to the Island, the place of lodging, and the day of his/her departure.

(c) As an exception to the Weapons Act, in any of the above cases in which the person arrives in Puerto Rico without ammunition, he/she may purchase those needed according to the calibers he/she has indicated in his/her application for a permit, indicating the number of the provisional permit granted by the Superintendent. The armory shall proceed with the sale, leaving a record thereof and notify the Puerto Rico Police in the same manner and through the same means that have been established by this chapter for such purposes. Provided, That any unused ammunition must be returned to the armory that sold the same, and be reimbursed for their cost minus twenty-five percent (25%) of said cost that may be retained by the armory to defray the cost of the service provided.

History —Sept. 11, 2000, No. 404, § 3.05; Jan. 10, 2002, No. 27, § 16.