P.R. Laws tit. 3, § 1467b

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§ 1467b. Employee records

(1) All agencies shall maintain the following records for each of their employees:

(a) A record that reflects the complete history of the employee from the date he/she was originally admitted into the public service until the date of his/her definitive separation from the service.

(b) A record that is confidential and separate and which contains the instructions, determinations and certificates of a medical nature, pursuant to the Federal American with Disabilities Act (ADA).

(c) A record that contains a copy of all change reports and all other documents and information required for retirement purposes.

(2) Said records shall be of a confidential nature; however, these may be examined for official purposes by authorized employees or officials. All employees shall have the right to examine their personnel records, after submitting a written request and in the presence of a human resources official or employee authorized therefor. The aforementioned request shall be submitted to said office in reasonable advance to the date on which the employee intends to perform the examination. The employee may authorize another person in writing to examine the record.

All employees shall be entitled to obtain a copy of any or all documents contained in their record by paying copying costs.

(3) All matters relative to the conservation and disposal of the records of employees who separate from the service shall be governed by the provisions of §§ 1001—1013 of this title, known as the “Puerto Rico Public Document Administration Act” and its regulations, administered by the General Services Administration or any statutory provision that may substitute it.

(4) When an employee is transferred from one agency to another, the originating agency shall transfer the records to the agency to which the employee is transferring not later than thirty (30) days, counted from the date of effectiveness of the transfer.

History —Aug. 3, 2004, No. 184, § 12.