P.R. Laws tit. 33, § 4024

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§ 4024. Rules for civil and penal actions

Unless otherwise provided in §§ 4013—4026 of this title, all civil actions filed under the provisions of §§ 4013—4026 of this title, shall be governed by the Puerto Rico Rules of Civil Procedure of 2009, as amended, App. V of Title 32. Likewise, penal actions filed under the provisions of §§ 4013—4026 of this title, shall be governed by the Puerto Rico Rules of Criminal Procedure of 1963, as amended, App. II of Title 34, unless it is otherwise provided in §§ 4013—4026 of this title.

History —Aug. 21, 1999, No. 284, § 14, eff. 90 days after Aug. 21, 1999.