P.R. Laws tit. 33, § 4022

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
§ 4022. Drafting of reports

Whenever a law enforcement officer intervenes in an incident that can be classified as stalking, he/she shall prepare a written report thereof. Said report shall include the allegations of the persons involved and the witnesses, the type of investigation performed, and the manner in which the incident was dealt with.

The law enforcement officer shall include in said report any statement of the victim with regard to the frequency and gravity of previous stalking incidents and on the number of times the victim has resorted to the Police or any private or public entity or private person, to ask for help.

This report shall be prepared for every intervention even though criminal charges have not been filed against the offender. These shall be kept apart from other types of reports, unless they are related to cases of domestic violence.

The Superintendent of Police shall establish a system to compile information that will allow keeping a copy of each intervention in the station in which it is generated, and which will facilitate the centralized compiling thereof in the Statistics Division of the Police of Puerto Rico.

The Statistics Division of the Police of Puerto Rico shall receive a copy of every report of interventions prepared pursuant to this section, each month, shall compile the information found therein, and shall prepare a public statistical report annually, on stalking incidents in Puerto Rico.

The Superintendent of Police shall establish the guidelines to guarantee confidentiality regarding the identity of the persons involved in stalking incidents.

History —Aug. 21, 1999, No. 284, § 12, eff. 90 days after Aug. 21, 1999.