P.R. Laws tit. 31, § 4081

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 4081. Reduction of rent—Sterility of land; loss of fruits through fortuitous events

A lessee shall not have the right to a reduction of the rent on account of the sterility of the land leased or on account of the loss of the fruits through ordinary fortuitous events, but he shall have said right in case of loss of more than half of the fruits through extraordinary and unforeseen fortuitous events unless there is a special agreement to the contrary.

By extraordinary fortuitous events shall be understood fire, war, pestilence, extraordinary inundations, locusts, earthquakes, or any other equally unfrequent events, and which the contracting parties could not have reasonably foreseen.

History —Civil Code, 1930, § 1465.