P.R. Laws tit. 31, § 1298

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1298. Collection of program administration expense fees

In the event that the proceeds generated by a leasing program do not suffice to defray program administration expenses, the administrator may require that the owners of lodging units, if so allowed under the leasing contract, pay the portion of such expenses for which they are responsible, as such responsibility is established in the administration contract by means of a written notice. Each owner of a lodging unit in question shall be bound to make such payment in full within the term established therefor in the leasing contract. The administrator shall be entitled to institute any necessary or convenient legal actions, including the attachment of the lodging unit of the defaulting owner of a lodging unit in question, to ensure the satisfaction of the program administration expense fees, which having been duly notified, have not been satisfied as provided herein. The expenses incurred with respect to such legal actions shall be defrayed by the owner of a lodging unit in default. Insofar as the payment obligation provided herein is still not satisfied, the administrator shall also be empowered to deny the owner of a lodging unit in default his/her right to use and occupy his/her lodging unit and the common elements. The administrator shall also lease such lodging unit to condo hotel guests during the period in which the owner of a lodging unit in default would have had such right if it were not for the fact that he/she is an owner of a lodging unit in default, and use the rentals proceeds to which the owner of a lodging unit would otherwise be entitled under the leasing program, to satisfy the debt of such owner of a lodging unit in default.

History —Aug. 12, 2008, No. 249, § 6; Dec. 16, 2009, No. 178, § 15; June 24, 2010, No. 67, § 15.