P.R. Laws tit. 31, § 1296e

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1296e. Use of residential units and commercial units

The persons who acquire residential units or commercial units may use such units without any restriction or limit whatsoever with respect to time; however, such persons shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter, the master deed and any other restrictive condition encumbering the real property with respect to said use, including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) No occupant of a residential unit or commercial unit shall make noises or disturbances nor perform actions that disrupt the peace of condo hotel guests and other occupants of the residential units and commercial units.

(b) Residential units and commercial units shall not be used for purposes contrary to this chapter, morals or social etiquette, and public order.

(c) All owners of residential units or commercial units shall observe due diligence when using the property and in their relations with all other owners of said units and the owners of lodging units and shall answer to them and to the administrator and agent for violations committed by their family members, visitors or employees, and, in general, by any person who is authorized by them to occupy the residential unit or commercial unit in question, for any title, without prejudice to the direct actions that may be in order against such persons.

(d) Occupants of residential units or commercial units shall strictly comply with the applicable provisions of the master deed.

History —Aug. 12, 2008, No. 249, § 4.106; Dec. 16, 2009, No. 178, § 7; June 24, 2010, No. 67, § 7.