P.R. Laws tit. 31, § 1292

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§ 1292. Contents of public deed

The public deed referenced in § 1291 of this title shall state the following circumstances:

(a) Description of the land and general description of the structures thereon, with the respective areas and construction materials.

(b) Description and number of each apartment, stating its measures, location, rooms, main entrance door and immediate place with which it communicates, and any other data necessary for its identification.

(c) Description of the general common elements of the property, and, in the proper case, of the common elements limited to a certain number of apartments, stating which are those apartments.

(d) Clear indication of the purpose to which the property and each one of the apartments is devoted.

(e) Area of all the apartments in the property and area of each apartment, assigning in accordance with these measures the percentage that the co-owners shall have in the expenses, profits and rights in the common elements.

(f) Everything relating to the administration of the property, in the proper case.

(g) And any further data in connection with the property which may be of interest to so state.

(h) The statement of the circumstances included in subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) shall be made according to a certified legal description provided by the engineer or architect who was in charge of the preparation of the blueprints of the building that shall be submitted to the Registry of the Property, pursuant to § 1292b of this title.

The following shall be included along with the title:

(a) A certified copy of the license of the Developer or Builder, issued by the Secretary of the Department of Consumer Affairs, if so required, pursuant to the provisions set forth in §§ 501 et seq. of Title 17, and

(b) a sworn certification by the person that submits the building to the horizontal property regime, which states that:

(1) The blueprints submitted to the Registry of the Property are the true and exact copy of those approved by the Regulations and Permits Administration, and include any change made to the building at the time of the execution of the title.

(2) The common and private areas yet under construction and the projected date of completion of same, as well as the promise that copies of the blueprints, duly certified by the Regulations and Permits Administration, in which the changes made in the construction shall be stated.

(3) All the requirements of this chapter have been complied with, as well as the resolutions and permits from the government agencies to submit the property to the regime.

(4) An exact copy of the certified legal description provided by the engineer or architect in charge of the preparation of the blueprints of the building has been included in the title.

History —June 25, 1958, No. 104, p. 243, § 22; June 4, 1976, No. 157, p. 461, § 3; Apr. 5, 2003, No. 103, § 15, eff. 90 days after Apr. 5, 2003.