P.R. Laws tit. 31, § 634

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 634. Termination or suspension by court for misconduct

Patria potestas entails the obligation of fulfilling it responsibly, as a good head of the family, pursuant to § 601 of this title and any special laws that apply, and to look after the welfare and the best interests of the minor.

When patria potestas is [disallowed], suspended or restricted, the court may also [disallow] the parent in question, or both parents, of the administration and usufruct of the child’s property; it shall appoint a guardian, if necessary, and adopt all measures it may deem convenient for the protection of the minor.

History —Civil Code, 1930, added as § 166 on Jan. 19, 1995, No. 8, § 2.