P.R. Laws tit. 31, § 591a

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 591a. Rights of Grandparents, Uncles, and Aunts

After the dissolution of the family unit, when a parent dies, or as a result of a divorce, separation, or annulment of the marriage, parents or guardians with legal and physical custody of a non-emancipated minor shall not, without just cause, prevent the latter from maintaining a relationship with his/her grandparents, aunts, or uncles.

In the case of a non-emancipated minor born out of wedlock, neither the father, the mother, nor the guardian holding the legal or physical custody of said minor, shall prevent the latter, without just cause, from maintaining a relationship with his/her grandparents, uncles, or aunts.

In case there is opposition from the father, mother, or guardian holding the legal or physical custody of a non-emancipated minor, the standing of grandparents, uncles, or aunts to appear before the judge who shall decide on the matter taking into account the special circumstances of each case and the interests and wellbeing of the minor is hereby recognized.

History —Civil Code, 1930, added as § 152A on Dec. 22, 1997, No. 182, § 1; § 1; Jan. 18, 2012, No. 32, § 1.