P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 245

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 245. Exemptions

The right to a retirement pension, disability pension, death benefit, refund, or any other benefit under the provisions of §§ 233—246 of this title, by whatever name known, is a personal right of the recipient thereof, and the assignment or transfer of said benefits or refunds, or of any part thereof, shall be null and void, except as provided by such sections. No such annuity, benefit, or refund may be claimed for the payment of debts contracted by the persons receiving same, except as otherwise provided herein. However, such amounts, including interest, as have been credited to a member of the System through contributions made in the form of salary deductions, may be assigned by the participant to provide security for any loan made by him from any fund, association, or other agency created by the Government for the purpose of making loans to its employees. The Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico may, through the pertinent judicial proceeding, withhold or attach such amounts for the repayment of any loan made by any such agency only in the event that the participant has permanently left government service without having made proper arrangements, suitable to such agency, for repayment of the said loan.

History —Oct. 19, 1954, No. 12, p. 152, § 13, retroactive to July 1, 1954.