P.R. Laws tit. 5, § 124

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 124. Enforcement; licenses; inspection; cooperation with other agencies

The Secretary of Agriculture shall have power:

(a) To require that in the marketing of farm products the regulations and standards established by him under subsection (a) of § 123 of this title be complied with.

(b) To appoint officials and vest them with such power, and impose on them such duties as may be necessary for the enforcement of §§ 121—127 of this title.

(c) To require the licensing of all natural or juridical persons engaged in the marketing or the management of facilities for the marketing of farm products, and to fix and collect fees for the licenses issued in accordance with the regulations promulgated for such purpose, and authorized hereby; Provided, That such fees shall be fixed by the Secretary in accordance with the declared volume of business as established by §§ 651—652y of Title 21, known as the Municipal License Tax Act, and said amount shall not be less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250).

(d) To cancel or suspend licenses for the period he may deem necessary, when in his judgment, the person is not complying with the standards and regulations established pursuant to §§ 121—127 of this title, or when said person forcefully assaults, resists, opposes, prevents, intimidates, interferes with, obstructs or hinders an official while performing his/her official duties under §§ 121—127 of this title, or because he/she is performing his/her duties.

(e) To deny licenses when, in his judgment, the applicants therefor do not meet the requirements established by the regulations authorized by §§ 121—127 of this title.

(f) To inspect farm markets and products, and to see to it that in the operation and handling thereof, respectively, §§ 121—127 of this title and the regulations and standards established by him are complied with.

(g) To enter into cooperation and other agreements and contracts, with persons, agencies and instrumentalities of the federal, Commonwealth, or municipal government, wherever he may deem it necessary or useful for the best enforcement of the purposes of §§ 121—127 of this title.

(h) To do all things necessary to achieve the purposes of §§ 121—127 of this title.

History —May 8, 1950, No. 241, p. 618, § 5; Aug. 4, 1988, No. 151, p. 643, § 1.