P.R. Laws tit. 5, § 106

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 106. Agricultural Markets Inspection Office; Special Fund

A special fund is hereby created, to be separate and distinct from any other moneys or funds of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, under the custody of the Secretary of Agriculture, in order to institute the Markets Inspection Office, to be known as the “Special Fund of the Markets Inspection Office”.

One hundred percent (100%) of the money charged for product inspection and marketing service fees conducted by this Office, pursuant to the provisions in the regulations promulgated under §§ 121—127 of this title; funds from administrative fines; and funds obtained from fees for licenses issued under the abovementioned regulations, shall be covered into this Fund.

All of the monies of the Fund shall be deposited in the special account held by the Department of Agriculture to deposit the revenues it generates through the cooperative agreement with the Federal Government (96-229-055-04-081). Disbursements shall be made according to the needs of the Agricultural Markets Inspection Office; Provided, That the collections as well as the disbursements shall be made according to the regulations adopted by the Secretary of Agriculture. Disbursements shall not be subject to pre-auditing by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Provided, That for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) shall be transferred from this Fund to the Legal Liability Fund.

Provided, further, That for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, the sum one million dollars ($1,000,000) in account number 0550000-229-779-2004, or in any other created for the same purposes in the Department of the Treasury’s accounting system shall be transferred from this Fund to the “Special Education Student’s Therapy and Service Fund”, created by Act No. 73-2014.

History —Sept. 18, 1996, No. 237, § 1; Aug. 16, 2012, No. 169, § 1; July 1, 2014, No. 78, § 10; July 2, 2015, No. 105, § 18.