P.R. Laws tit. 15, § 816

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 816. Sale of winning tickets

The sale, cession, transfer or purchase or the offer to sell, cede, transfer or purchase a winning ticket to be presented for collection for the purpose of using or investing, directly or indirectly, all or part of the income from an organized crime activity, as defined in §§ 971 et seq. of Title 25, known as the “Act Against Organized Crime”, or for the purpose of evading tax liabilities imposed by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, shall constitute a felony. Violations of this section shall be sanctioned as a felony in the third degree and in addition shall entail a fine of ten thousand dollars ($10,000).

History —May 24, 1989, No. 10, p. 44, added as § 17 on Aug. 17, 1989, No. 75, p. 326, § 13; Sept. 15, 2004, No. 320, § 3.