(a) The Higher Education Council shall appoint the President of the University.
The Council shall establish a consultation system for the appointment of the President.
(b) The President shall be the director of the University System. In such capacity, he shall act in representation of the Council and, with the collaboration of the University Board, he shall coordinate and supervise the university work. He shall also coordinate the initiatives of university bodies and officials, and shall take his own initiatives in promoting the development of the University.
(c) In the fulfillment of the functions described above, the President shall have the following duties and attributes:
(1) To execute and enforce the objectives, standards, regulations, and budgetary and development plans of the University.
(2) To officially represent the University.
(3) To preside over the University Board.
(4) To prepare, with the advice of the University Board, and submit for the consideration of the Board of Trustees, the plan for the integral development of the University and annual revisions thereto, on the basis of the projects and recommendations originating in the campuses, university colleges and other autonomous institutional units.
(5) To submit to the Council the regulations of general application and all resolutions of the University Board requiring the Council’s approval.
(6) To prepare the overall budget for the entire University System based on the budget proposals submitted by the respective chancellors, once approved by the Administrative Boards of the University campuses and Colleges, and to submit the same with the recommendations of the University Board for the consideration and approval of the Board of Trustees.
(7) To submit for the consideration of the Board of Trustees the appointments of the chancellors of the autonomous institutional units, of the Director of Finance and of such other officials that require confirmation by the Board.
(8) To appoint or contract the technical and administrative personnel of his/her office and the personnel of the university dependencies not under the administrative jurisdiction of any campus or college. With regard to these appointments and contracts, the President shall have the authority granted to the University Chancellor by virtue of §§ 678 et seq. of this title.
(9) To pass upon those appeals brought against the decisions of the chancellors.
(10) To establish and maintain relationships with universities and cultural centers of Puerto Rico and abroad.
(11) To render to the Council an annual report on all aspects of university life.
(d) The President shall be ex officio member of the faculties, academic senates and administrative boards of the University System.
History —Jan. 20, 1966, No. 1, p. 85, § 5; Aug. 7, 1998, No. 186, § 2.