(a) The University, as [an] organ of higher education, in its obligation of service to the people of Puerto Rico and its adherence to the ideals of an integrally democratic society, has as an essential mission [to attain] the following objectives, with which is consubstantial the fullest freedom of professorship and scientific research:
(1) To transmit and increase learning by means of the sciences and the arts, making it serve the community through the action of its professors, investigators, students and graduates.
(2) To contribute to the cultivation and enjoyment of the ethical and esthetic values of culture.
(b) In the faithful performance of its mission, the University shall:
(1) Cultivate love of learning as conducive to freedom, through the search and discussion of truth, in an attitude of respect to creative dialogue.
(2) Conserve, enrich and spread the cultural values of the Puerto Rican people, and strengthen their awareness of their unity in the common undertaking to democratically solve all of their problems.
(3) Seek the full formation of the student in the light of his responsibility as a servant of the community.
(4) Fully develop the intellectual and spiritual wealth latent in our people, so that the values of the intelligence and spirit of the exceptional personalities that arise from all social sectors, especially those least favored in economic resources, may be put to the service of the Puerto Rican community.
(5) Collaborate with other organizations, within its appropriate sphere, in the study of the problems of Puerto Rico.
(6) Keep in mind that, because of its very nature as a university and its identification with Puerto Rico’s living ideals, it is essentially linked to the values and interests of every democratic community.
History —Jan. 20, 1966, No. 1, p. 85, § 2.