Section 5-2-9-6 - Copies of orders issued; confidential file; confidential form; registry(a) The clerk of a court that issues a protective order shall:(1) provide a copy of the order to the petitioner; and(2) provide a copy of the order and service of process to the respondent or defendant in accordance with the rules of trial procedure.(b) The clerk of a court that issues a protective order or the clerk of a court in which a petition is filed shall maintain a confidential file to secure any confidential information about a protected person designated on a uniform statewide form prescribed by the office of judicial administration.(c) This subsection applies to a protective order that a sheriff or law enforcement agency received under subsection (a) before July 1, 2009, and a confidential form under subsection (b) that was not retained in the registry. The sheriff or law enforcement agency shall: (1) maintain a copy of the protective order in the depository established under this chapter;(2) enter: (A) the date and time the sheriff or law enforcement agency receives the protective order;(B) the location of the person who is subject to the protective order, if reasonably ascertainable from the information received;(C) the name and identification number of the officer who serves the protective order;(D) the manner in which the protective order is served;(E) the name of the petitioner and any other protected parties;(F) the name, Social Security number, date of birth, and physical description of the person who is the subject of the protective order, if reasonably ascertainable from the information received;(G) the date the protective order expires;(H) a caution indicator stating whether a person who is the subject of the protective order is believed to be armed and dangerous, if reasonably ascertainable from the information received; and(I) if furnished, a Brady record indicator stating whether a person who is the subject of the protective order is prohibited from purchasing or possessing a firearm or ammunition under federal law, if reasonably ascertainable from the information received; on the copy of the protective order or the confidential form; and
(3) except for a protective order that is retained in the registry, establish a confidential file in which a confidential form that contains information concerning a protected person is kept.(d) Except for a protective order that is retained in the registry, a protective order may be removed from the depository established under this chapter only if the sheriff or law enforcement agency that administers the depository receives: (1) a notice of termination on a form prescribed or approved by the office of judicial administration;(2) an order of the court; or(3) a notice of termination and an order of the court.(e) If a protective order in a depository established under this chapter is terminated, the person who obtained the order must file a notice of termination on a form prescribed or approved by the office of judicial administration with the clerk of the court. The clerk of the court shall: (1) enter the notice of termination into; or(2) provide a copy of the notice of termination to; the registry and provide a copy of the notice of termination to each of the depositories to which the protective order was sent. The clerk of the court shall maintain the notice of termination in the court's file.
(f) If a protective order or form is extended or modified, the person who obtained the extension or modification must file a notice of extension or modification on a form prescribed or approved by the office of judicial administration with the clerk of the court. Except for a protective order retained in the registry, the clerk of the court shall provide a copy of the notice of extension or modification of a protective order to each of the depositories to which the order and a confidential form were sent. The clerk of the court shall maintain the notice of extension or modification of a protective order in the court's file.(g) The clerk of a court that issued an order terminating a protective order that is an ex parte order shall provide a copy of the order to the following: (2) Except for a protective order retained in the registry, the law enforcement agency provided with a copy of a protective order under subsection (a).Amended by P.L. 161-2018,SEC. 9, eff. 7/1/2018.Amended by P.L. 109-2015, SEC. 19, eff. 5/4/2015.As added by P.L. 23-1994, SEC.2. Amended by P.L. 31-1996, SEC.3; P.L. 32-1996, SEC.3; P.L. 280-2001, SEC.8; P.L. 133-2002, SEC.5; P.L. 221-2003, SEC.2; P.L. 52-2007, SEC.3; P.L. 116-2009, SEC.6.