Ind. Code § 32-25-6-1

Current through P.L. 171-2024
Section 32-25-6-1 - Liens and encumbrances
(a) After a declaration is recorded under this article and while the property remains subject to this article, a lien may not arise or be effective against the property as a whole. Except as provided in subsection (b), liens or encumbrances may arise or be created only against:
(1) each condominium unit; and
(2) the undivided interest in the common areas and facilities appurtenant to each unit;

in the same manner and under the same conditions as liens or encumbrances may arise or be created against any other parcel of real property.

(b) Labor performed or materials furnished with the consent or at the request of a condominium unit owner, the owner's agent, or the owner's contractor or subcontractor may not be the basis for filing a lien under any lien law against the condominium unit or any other property of any other co-owner not expressly consenting to or requesting the performance of the labor or the furnishing of the materials. However, express consent is considered to be given by the owner of any condominium unit in the case of emergency repairs to the condominium unit. Labor performed or materials furnished for the common areas and facilities, if authorized by the association of co-owners, the manager, or board of directors in accordance with this article, the declaration, or the bylaws:
(1) are considered to be performed or furnished with the express consent of each co-owner;
(2) constitute the basis for the filing of a lien under any lien law against each of the condominium units; and
(3) are subject to subsection (c).
(c) If a lien against two (2) or more condominium units becomes effective, the owner of a condominium unit against which the lien is effective may remove the owner's:
(1) unit; and
(2) undivided interest in the common areas and facilities appurtenant to the unit;

from the lien by payment of the fractional or proportional amounts attributable to the unit. After the payment, discharge of the lien, or other satisfaction of the lien, the condominium unit and the undivided interest in the common areas and facilities appurtenant to the condominium unit are free and clear of the lien. A partial payment, partial satisfaction of the lien, or discharge of the lien may not prevent the lienholder from proceeding against any condominium unit and the undivided interest in the common areas and facilities appurtenant to the condominium unit that remain subject to the lien.

IC 32-25-6-1

Pre-2002 Recodification Citation: 32-1-6-10.

As added by P.L. 2-2002, SEC.10.